Saturday, March 15, 2008
Tabata Squats – lowest round
Barbell Thruster – As Many Reps as Possible (AMRAP) in 60s
Tabata Sit-ups – lowest round
Knees to Elbows (K to E) – AMRAP in 60s
Coach’s notes: For this workout you are to do tabata squats first. This means 20s of squats, 10s of rest X 8 sets. Your score in this part is your lowest round. Have a barbell set up. Guys will use 95 lbs and gals 45 lbs. In your 8th set of squats you will keep your designated 10s rest and then go immediately into 60s of barbell thrusters for maximum reps (note your reps). Once the minute is up you have 10s to do a full tabata of sit-ups. In other words, do sit-ups for 20s, rest for 10s and repeat for 8 sets. After the 8th set, rest your 10s and then go immediately into knees to elbows for maximum reps for 60s (note your reps). After 10s repeat the round starting back at tabata squats. Your score is the total of your tabata scores (lowest rounds) and maximum reps for thrusters and K to E’s for the 2 rounds. For example:
Round 1 Round 2
Tabata squats 19 16
Thrusters 19 12
Tabata sit ups 13 8
K to E 20 16
Total 71 52 = 123
Yipes. Have fun timing this one, bring an abacus.
did snatch balance practice prior, worked up to 50lbs – still need work
post: 1 round of this workout, that was tough!
squats low rep: 20
amrap 45lbs thruster: 20
tabata sit up: 12
amrap k2e: 13
total: 65 for 1 round
As Rx’d Total 101.
I was finishing off my workout when the class was just starting this. Man they were working hard. Great workout Brett. Good work everyone in the class.
Michelle moves so fast in her squat she’s a blur!
10k run…I saw it posted on twice so it must be a real CF WOD 🙂
Paige: 52:25
Dale: 59:45
Round 1:
Squats: Lowest Score – 18
Thrusters (65lbs) – 15
situps: lowest score – 12
KTE – 10
Round 2:
Squats: Lowest Score – 12
Thrusters – 8
situps: lowest score – 10
KTE: 8
Total: 93
Very tough workout. Hard to figure out pace. For the squats, on first round, I hit 18 on every set and situps, for round 1, I hit 15 for every set. I attempted to pace myself for the second round but it was very difficult. Also my first time doing thrusters so I focused more on proper movement rather than for reps…..the KTE killed me…great workout…everyone in class was working hard…
Round 1 Round 2
40# each dumbell thrusters
Tabata squats 15 14
Thrusters 16 16
Tabata sit ups 8 8
K to E 8 8
Total 47 46 = 93
I’ve been REALLY tired lately. Today’s WOD:
One round of: Unpack rings and set up in garage. Did 2 dips. Lot harder than bar dip.
One round of: Filling up a cheap basketball with 20 lb of sand. 1.5 hours and counting…
Pierre, sounds like you truely have the beginnings of a true CF garage gym.
Tabata squats 15 12
75 lb Thrusters 10 11
Tabata situps 10 10
K to E 10 11
Total 45 43 = 88
Tabata squats 10 8
32 lb Thrusters 10 2
Tabata situps 13 13
K to E 15 16
Total 48 39 = 87