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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Saturday, June 7, 2008


2 rounds for time: 

10 pull ups

20 kb swings

30 box jumps

40 push ups

50 sit ups

 Coach’s notes: Guys use 1.5 pood (55 lb.) kettlebell and gals 1 pood (35 lb.), 20” for the box jump.  Post time to complete to comments.


Comments: 7

That is a perfect picture of the active shoulders required in an OHS.

27 yom 178lbs

as rx’d


Sub 24″ box for 20″ (all I had, do not recommend it)

Used my heaviest dumbell (35 lbs.) for kettlebell and two stairs (16″) for box jumps.


Got slowed down on push-ups after first 25 and on box jumps (never done before). Also had to move to the outside stairs after I hit my head on the basement ceiling.

My time was 16:57.
Thanks for the encouragement and such a great workout!

Day 1 of cert in San Diego done. Awesome day.
Finished it/us off, literally, with Fran. One problem they only allowed for a minimal warm-up. I mean, I didn’t even get to do one thruster prior, and only 5 pull-ups. But, after the moaning thrusters and hand tearing bar, I finished with 4:20. My slowest time yet. But, once again, the day was awesome. Looking forward to tomorrow….

brittany-13:09 as rx’d
dj-15:47 as rx’d

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