Saturday, June 6, 2009
Row 1000 m
Coach’s notes: Post time to complete to comments.
Compare to March 26, 2009
CFC will be hosting a number of certifications and seminars this summer/fall. Click here to check them out.
Row 1000 m
Coach’s notes: Post time to complete to comments.
Compare to March 26, 2009
CFC will be hosting a number of certifications and seminars this summer/fall. Click here to check them out.
3 mins 50.09 seconds
4:10 today. Not a good one today, last time I had 4:01. I need to work on mind over matter and just push harder. Thanks for the cheering Liz and classmates and thanks Todd for the good class.
Well, unfortunately couldn’t get the WOD done today. 500m into the row my left calf cramped up. Stretched and rolled it out until it felt better. Decided to wait a few minutes and try it again just to have the workout finished. I didn’t care so much about the time; just wanted to get it done. 630m into the row, the calf cramped up again. I guess it just wasn’t my day!
3:54 Need to aim for sub 3:50!
3:04.8, damper at 8.5
PR by ~ 1 second. I wanted to pace myself at 1:30/500m, but I settled in at 1:25 and it felt pretty good. After the first 500m I started to slip towards 1:37, and no matter how hard I pulled it wouldn’t come down again.
4:23 … pretty happy, beat my last time by 25 sec.
4:16 – 4 seconds slower than last time. Tried to pace and went to slow for the first 500m.
3.42 PB for me by 4 sec .
3:19.3 PR by default.
I totally gassed with like 40m to go, so I think i chose the right pace.
Rested a while then did 21x 95# thrusters (6, 5, 5, 5 ~15 seconds rest) and 21 pullups (11, 10) to see how it felt. Rested a while then did 100 situps and 100 squats.
PB – 5 seconds better than last time. My goal was to get under 4 minutes.
FYI (I think Pierre posted this previously…)
3:28, i hit a wall around 600m and had to ease the pace but think i could shave alot off of this number with more training in rowing
4:11 really disappointed with this time. Should have pushed it harder the last 500m