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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Saturday, June 5, 2010

30, 20, 10 rep rounds fot time:

Knees to Elbows


Back Extension


OH Walking Lunges

Push Ups

DB Push Press

DB Hang Squat Clean

DB Deadlift

Coach’s notes:  Guys use 65 lbs for SDLHP, gals 45 lbs, 20 and 14 lbs for wallballs and OH walking lunges and 25 lbs and 15 lbs per hand for push press, hang squat clean and deadlift.  Post time to complete to comments.

Comments: 7

Holy chipper batman!!

reminder there is just a 7am adult class today and tomorrow. CFC Kids/Teens/Pre is at regular times outdoors at arbour lake. TT Oly is at 5:30pm both days.

Weights as rx’d
After half hour had finished second round of Back Ext. Called it a day.
If this comes around again try light weights.

46:30 as rx’d
This was BRUTAL!!! Very tough mentally!
Thanks Kris! Way to go Chelsea! You did amazing! Can’t wait to see you do this workout when fully recovered!

This felt far worse then it should have, don’t think I am 100% yet. Still felt GREAT to sweat again. 30:56 as rx’d (did Stiff leg Deadlifts). Can’t wait to try this one again. Thanks for the class Kris, great job everyone. Way to push through Katrin.

Oh and great pic of team cfc on their way to winning the final event and the whole thing!

Coach, any chance this one could come up again in the near future? looks good!!! in a twisted, sick way of course! thanks.

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