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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Saturday, June 4, 2011

A. Snatch Balance – 1 reps x 5 sets, rest 2:00

B1. Handstand Holds – 45 seconds x 4 sets, rest 90 seconds

B2. KB Swings – 15 reps (unbroken) x 4 sets, rest 90 seconds

Coach’s notes:  Post load for all sets to comments and note that this is a progression on the snatch balance from April, 15, 2011.

Comments: 10

Atta Girl Kimmer! 150! whoo hoo!

That was it! 150 lbs baby!! After that lift, one of the CF media guys standing next to me turns and says “Holy $h*t! That looked easy!”

A. 95/105/115/125/135
B1. 45s/45s/45s/45s
B2. 1.5/2.0/2.0/2.0
Thanks Erin

A: Way too conservative on these; I couldn’t remember what I did last time. Didn’t make it to a fail, so I know that I had more in me. 32/42/47/52/57 (PR is 72, so I was way off)
B1 & B2: only did one round and had to leave. KBS with 1 pood

Thanks Erin!

A: 155/165/175(f)/175/185/195
I did a couple of extra sets at the 155-165 range – catching in a power position, rather than getting my butt down…

B1: 45s/45s/45s/40+5s
B2: 2.5+2.0 pood combo = 15/12+3/10+5/8+7

Another fun day. Great job everybody! Thanks Erin.

Worked with Ryan on 60 mts sprints and 7 min for reps of med ball cleans or burpees. Total reps:96

First day back so kept it light
A) Did all at 72#
B1) As rx’d
B2) All at 1.5pd.
Thanks Erin, great class. Felt really good to WOD with everyone again.

Awesome picture Kimmer- nice work!
A: stayed at 45 and worked on form..still needs a bit of work:)
B: so happy the 45 seconds went by relatively quickly and I didn’t have to split the time!
45- actually, it was more than 45 soo thrilled!/42/45..ran out of time
C: 1pd/1.25/1.5… ran out of time
Thanks Erin for the fabulous coaching as always and the fun class. Great job everyone!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGELA- may the coming year be filled with health, happiness and fun for you and your family!

Sweet 150 kimmer!!!
A. Same as Chelsea, also did 77- all 2-3 reps not 1 *need to build confidence with snatch/snatch balance
B1. 45×4 *fun!!
B2. 1.25/1.25/1.5/1.5 … Tried 2 pood 6 reps damn that’s heavy! Or as someone commented: “that’s like Audra tucked in a ball” 😀
Thanks Erin!! Fun class- great warmup! Nice to see so many people!! Katie, Katrin, that’s you guys!
And Happy 29th Angela!

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