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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Saturday, June 28, 2008


As many rounds in 20 minutes of:

20 Jumping Pull ups

10 Chest to Deck Burpies

Coach’s notes:  Post number of rounds to comments.

Comments: 6

19 + 20 + 5 as rx’d

hmmm, thought this would be a fun one but unfortunately a calf strain and messed up elbow ruled this one out while warming up. performed a tabata mash of bodyweight deadlifts/anchored sit ups/squats instead. 83/103/157

As Rx’d w/ 20lb vest
11 + 15


Thanks for the encouragement Brett
Great workout…I did 9 1/2 rounds.

Mis-read the WOD, so did this one as 10 jumping pull-ups, 10 burpies
Alec – 11
Branden – 11
Elliot – 11

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