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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Rob in 155 lb clean and jerk


Row 1000 m

50 Thrusters – 45 lbs

30 Pull ups

Coach’s notes:  Post time to complete to comments.

Compare to November 26, 2007


Comments: 11

Keep the mid-line, buddy!!!!!!

Another great performance.

Pre – 3 rounds of….
Row warm up
5 135lb quick DL
10 squats
15 sit ups
10 Strict Pro chin ups
5 35lb DB Swings
50 Double unders

3 rounds for time of..
600m row
35 push ups
Time = 13:55
Push ups were really slow compared to what I was hoping for.
Faster next time

AM workout:

Front Squat – 200lbs x 3

Afternoon WOD as Rx’d: 8:05

Had a 3:35 row (next time closer to 3 min)and did 30 thrusters out of gate then I just fell apart…my pull ups were lack luster…after the first 12 I was breaking them into 3’s…but I am still pleased and have come a long way in 4.5 months of Crossfit…as before that I was not really exercising at all….

note: after the 30 thrusters I had to break the next 20 into 10, 5, 4, 1….

DJ – 9:56 as rx’d
Brittany – 14:23 as rx’d

Brittany completed her first workout that has pullups in it without having to be assisted by a band or machine……….. which is awsome!!

Congratulations Brittany!!! That is awesome!

1000m row – 3:48
50 thrusters – 3:18
30 pull-ups – 1:53

total time – 8:59

a little trick to take the mind off the pain associated with thrusters, make sure you drive the bar straight into your jaw making you bite your tongue really hard. Eating’s no fun for me at the moment…

way to go Brittany.

15:34 as rx’d
Great job Brittany!

with 23 lb vest on, 9:54

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