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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Saturday, July 17, 2010

A.  Muscle Up Ladder

B.  10-1 Deadlift Ladder

Coach’s notes:  Post time to complete each ladder to comments.  Rest as needed between  A and B.

Comments: 9

The best box jump I’ve ever seen! You can see the speed in the hair!
DJ did the squat snatches today as if he had a feather to put overhead. Crazy!
I did not see anybody do them as easily as he did.

That’s the “before” picture! Where’s the one after he catches his toes on the lip of the box and faceplants on the other side?

I’m not doing the workout today, but I am curious as to the reps and weights for this workout. Details!

A. Just practiced negatives and the technique.
B. 115lbs 10-1 4:45. Krista you were right, probably could have gone heavier.

A. got 1, 2, skipped 3, got 4 and then went for 5 but got 4
B. 225#, 6.07

A. Practiced Technique
B. 205lbs, 4:43

No crocs!
Yes seems to be missing something doesn’t it Cory.
I’d go with muscle up ladder being as high as you could get?
and at least body weight but perhaps the standard 225# for the DL for men and 155# for women.

Hi Karen,
Just to let you know that I dropped off your cook books today at CFC. Thanks so much!!

Practiced Muscle up tech work (not athletic-looking whatsoever!!! but fun!)
DL ladder (70% 1 RM= 150 lbs) 5:45

A. didn’t do MU ladder – worked on trying to get 2 in a row – ended up doing about 10-12 muscle ups in total – need to learn to string them together!
B. DL ladder (supposed to be 70% of 1RM which would have been 175 lbs but opted for less 155 lbs) 5:03 or 5:08 can’t remember exactly*
Thanks Todd!!! FUN fun class!! nice work everyone on Muscle Up work!!!

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