Saturday, February 27, 2010
CFC2 “Do Work” chipper
For Time:
100 Squats
80 K2E’s
40 Burpees
20 Snatch
40 Pull-ups
60 Shoulder to Overhead
80 Box Jumps
100 situps
Coach’s notes: Grab a partner or cut the reps in half. Guys use 95 lbs for SDLHP, Snatch and Shoulder to Overhead, gals use 65lbs or scale as required. Use 24″ for box jumps. Post time to comments.
Was this devised to destroy me?
This will be humbling.
Good luck everyone, should be lots of fun!
Come on where are the 50 Wallballs and the 50 Pushups? I knew it Part 1 and Part 2 of the CFC is just the warm-up! Humbling…I am still recovering from Wednesday and this is torture! :O
he he he
Miller – I hope those snatches can be power snatch. If not, you’ll be snatching lots.
No Blaine…just cut the WOD in 1/2.
16:49 as Rx’d
Have fun!!!!
As Rx’d
I expected to be able to complete this in sub-12 minutes. I was surprised at how gassed I was early on. I seem to consistently underestimate the fatigue of knees to elbows and SDHP. Really fun chipper though.
What a fun day! I loved watching people dig in today, it was very inspiring. Thank goodness for Hughie who really carried us in that brutal chipper – team workouts are the best! Thanks so much to Michelle and Ali and everyone for the support today. Crossfit is amazing and the people in the community really make it that way. Thanks DJ for organizing it – very fun.
Thanks judges/coaches for putting this together!! Super FUN!
Can’t wait for CFC 3!!! 🙂
Thanks to everyone who organized, judged, participated in today’s event.
It was great to see everyone work so hard. So many PR’s. Big, big lifts
Good to see others from crossfit affiliates around town.
Great atmosphere, Crossfit Calgary is great.
For those who were watching, you know it was mostly Katie.
Thanks coaches, Deejay and all others behind the scenes for creating such a great day. I honestly can’t think of a more rewarding way to spend a Saturday afternoon!
Must agree with the above comments!!! It was a great day! Thank you Kris, DJ, all the coaches, counters/judges, participants! Chelsea, thank you!!! you certainly were the firefighter today… rescued me from that burning building in the “chipper” you carried me through the flames!! hahaaa you were awesome as always!!
Thanks again everyone!
Thanks to everyone at CF Calgary! The support and atmosphere in your gym is unreal. Thanks for having us and for cheering us on (even as I sat out while Lauren killed herself during half of the WOD!)
Awesome to see such great crossfitters at work!
Thanks again, Hope to see you at the next one
Lisa-Crossfit Cowtown
Huge thank you to all of the coaches/volunteers today for their hard work. Great job Krista it was awesome being your partner, you did awesome. Thank you Ali, Laura and everyone for cheering and counting. Fantastic atmosphere today throughout.
Pretty much the same from me:
Thank you so much to all judges and organizers.
Loved the event, really well run.
Had a blast!!
What a great day! Thanks to all the coaches, volunteers and spectators. What a great way to spend a rest day for us. Nancy and I had a fantastic time.
Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the day today. Congrats to all who participated!!! It really was such a privilege to coach/judge and witness such a tremendous amount of heart, determination, and support for fellow competitors. So very inspiring…It was also great to see how many folks came out to cheer and support the competitors.
Thank you so much Coach’s and competitors, had an awesome time and look forward to come competitions like this one, saw some PR’s and made a few myself, great day!!
Thanks to all for a great event had a riot. Alot of horsepower being displayed heat after heat. Thanks for the invite Pierre – glad the event was open to ‘Garagers’ – looking forward to CFC3 – Cheers.
Wod 1
395# PR
Katie 295#- PR, but easy
545 (Shared between Katie and myself, I had to run outside for a breath of cool air a few times)