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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Saturday, February 26, 2011

OPT Big Dawg Testing WOD for Saturday, February 26, 2011

3 rounds for time:

6 Power Snatch – 135#/95#

15 CTB Chin Ups

24 Wallballs 20#/14#

Coach’s notes:  Post time to complete to comments and to Big Dawgs site.  Have fun!

Comments: 7

15:25 – 22 lb power snatch, blue band assisted pull ups, 4 lbs wallballs. Fun class, thanks Kris!!

Incredible photography Brittany!! Erin, you showed incredible spirit that day, despite your poor hands!!

13:23 only used 67 for snatch – could have pushed a bit harder but felt tired – not a good day for arms to feel like lead pipes 🙂 fun wod though! C2B felt good that’s about it – Great job everyone! Erin your wallballs are amazing!
Thanks Kris!

Worked on Power Snatch with HULK and I STOP WHEN I ROW

Did 3 sets of back squat

Great job on the Filthy Fifties guys/girls

– 11 lb power snatch, green band assisted pull ups, 8lbs wallballs to start – moved to 4lbs towards the end. I was surrounded by inspiring athletes, and everyone makes the newcomer feel so welcomed! Thanks all! Jen

12:16 – 82 lbs for snatch, everything else as rx’d. C2B actually felt good today, my hands looked nothing like they did last time aka the above picture. WB’s all unbroken. Thanks for a great class Kris and Krista for keeping me on my toes with the C2B.

Thanks for the great words Katie!

5:51 as rx’d
That hurt.

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