Saturday, February 20, 2010
A. High Bar Back Squat 5, 5, 3, 3, 2, 2, @ 20 x 1, Rest 2:00
B1. Weighted Back Extension 8-10 reps x 3 sets @ 2011, Rest 90 seconds
B2. DB High Rise Step Up 8-10 reps/leg x 3 sets @ 30 x 0, Rest 90 seconds
Coach’s notes: Post loads for all sets to comments. For the many questions that will arise from this WOD you can look to the OPT blog for answers, or show up for class today.
Michelle you are truly an inspiration!
B1- 10Ibs x 10
B2- 40Ibs x 10
B1- 35Ibs x 10
B2- 50Ibs x 10
B1- 45Ibs x 10
B2- 50Ibs x 10
Congrats Krista and Chelsea on your Muscle ups!
265 x 2
245 x 2
235 x 3
215 x 3
205 x 5
185 x 5
165 x 5
15 – 25 – 35 for back extensions
wood box 25#’s
Big box 25 #’s
Congrats Krista and Chelsea on your first muscle-ups!
85×5, 95×5, 105×3, 115×3, 125×2, 135×2.
B1-10# x10
B2-20# x10
B1-15# x9
B2-30# x10
B1-20# x10
B2-30# x10
Wood box for step up’s.
Great job on the muscle ups Krista!
Way to go Chelsea and Krista! Wished I could have been there to see them!!! Congrats!!!
Did Thursday’s WOD (Row and Bench Press). 10:19 as rx’d, Bench felt heavy today for some reason. Thanks everyone, so happy to finally get that muscle up. Great job Krista as well, way to fight for that.
no way! i hope it’s on video krista and chelsea! wish i had been there!
got this one in on break today so had to rush it… felt like i had stepped into another training world… tempos… high bar back squats, weighted BE, step-ups!
back squat 75 x 5, 95 x 5, 115 x 3, 135 x 3, 145 x 2, 150 x 2. stayed lighter on loads so i could get the “x” tempo up.
back extensions- 15, 20, 25- note to self, more load next time
step-ups- 20, 20, 20- “3” tempo was challenge with the 0’s
first: the pictures on the website lately have been amazing! Stacey yesterday’s was awesome and Michelle – ditto on above comment you are inspiring!!!! (not to mention ripped!!!)
WOD: 125×5,135×5, 145×3,155×3,165×2,175×2
BE’s: 25,25,35 (2011)
Box steps: 25,25,25 (30×0) this one heavy on the arms!
and YIIIPPPPEE!!! finallllly got my muscle up – certainly wasn’t pretty, and shame on me for my trucker mouth afterwards – but THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone who helped (Taylor, Michelle, Evan) and to everyone else for encouragement!!!
Chelsea – nice work on your muscle up(s)!!! so happy for you!!! I knew it was only a matter of time! great day .. maybe it makes up for missing all those great wods this week!
“Candy” for fun
All 30 rounds completed and unbroken look out next time “Cindy”
Krista and Chelsea, you two are amazingly strong! Congratulations – I wish I could have seen it! I agree with you too Krista, Michelle you are inspirational, you too Stacey, I feel very fortunate to be part of such a strong community!
Nice work Krista and Chelsea!!!!! I’m so happy for you!!!
Have a great day!!
Wish I’d been there to see it too! Hope someone had a camera! Way to go Chelsea and Krista! Great to be part of such a strong and supportive community!
Thanks so much for the comments regarding inspiration…..I’m continually inspired by the members of this amazing community!!!!
Congrats Krista and Chelsea!!!!! It was really so very exciting to see you both get your first muscle ups!!!! Krista…I don’t remember the ‘trucker’ mouth…just the big smile after!!!
Michelle, Chelsea and Krista you gals are just so inspirational!! Way to go! I feel so motivated by you.
And also meant to say…
Thanks for your encouragement with the lifting today TLaw.
Oops … workout should read “Chelsea” not “Candy”
i understand now after day 2 of the OPT CCP that i could have gone heavier with my backsquat and still met the requirement of the “x” tempo