Saturday, February 19, 2011
A. Row 1000m – compare to May 22, 2010
B. 10 Burpees on the minute for 10 minutes
Coach’s notes: Post time for 1km row in A. For B, try to complete all sets unbroekn and fast. Post results to comments.
A. Row 1000m – compare to May 22, 2010
B. 10 Burpees on the minute for 10 minutes
Coach’s notes: Post time for 1km row in A. For B, try to complete all sets unbroekn and fast. Post results to comments.
A. 1:38.8, probably around a 85-90% effort
B. All unbroken, all sets completed at 25 seconds in +/- 1 sec.
Great training WOD, super fun class. Thanks all and DJ!
Kris, Are you bionic? or just a superhero? A is incredible.
A. 1:29.9 damper 6
B. A sets unbroken, times ranged from 25-35 sec to complete
A. a very mortal time of 4:25.7 damper 6
B. unbroken, times from 30-39 sec to complete (sometimes I doubt my ability to count to 10)
Thanks DJ!
A. 3:28.8 damper @ 6 – faded a bit from 500-750, but got back under 1:45/500m avg at 750 and held on ’til the end
B. first 4-5 rounds were finished at about 35-40s. started creeping upwards from there to the last round getting done in about 46s
Fun WOD; great work this morning everybody & thanks DJ!
A. 4:11.8 damper 5.5 – wasn’t sure how to pace myself, should have gone harder the first 700m.
B. all unbroken, took about 25 -30 secs for all sets… really liked this one.
thanks dj.
Kris and mikey g… I would double check your times for A. We did 1000m remember
A. 3:14.2
B. Completed as rxd
A: 3:28.4 – felt good 85-90% effot
B: Completed with similar pace on all rounds.
A: 3:49.8
B: Completed – loved it! Boooo!
First time posting!!
A. 4:38:?
B. Did 5 burpees on the minute. Phew! Fun class, good work everyone and thanks DJ! 🙂
A. @ home- 6 km run
B. as rx’d between 22-25 secs- like that one! tried to get my husband to do with me- just stood there shaking his head 🙂
Yay Rhiannon- good to see you posting!
Correction 3:29.9 for the row… thanks Tlaw
A. 4:28.1 Did the 3 hard 5 easy trick again. I kind of like the rhythm of it.
B. Did all 10 for 10 with about 23-27 sec rest between sets. Amazing how much you can sweat doing burpees!
Good class! Thanks DJ.
A. 4:03.2
B. First 3 unbroken, a complete mess after that. Total did 5 or 6 rounds of 10 Burpees the rest were 8, 6 and 5. It was a good one!
Meredith, thank you for your kind words!
TT homework:
1) back extensions: 5×25,5×40,5×50,5×50,5×55 lbs
2) ring dips (from rings not bars) worked up to 5x25lbs
Then did part B. All unbroken, 26-27 sec +/- haha!! I actually loved burpees this way!!! Super Fun at 9:30! Thanks DJ and gang great class
Yeah Rhiannon!! Great job this am!!
Hopefully now yyou will post for at least the next 10 years!!!
Kris and Mike are from another planet!! Probably with a different numerical system 🙂
The wod of the day for me was up and down the gondola in kicking horse. Legs are burning
Annie today..much better at du’s but my sit ups were granny like slow..(sore stomach today didn’t help) 8:39
Oops 3:38.8!
Day late- Sunday morning.
B. Completed