Saturday, February 16, 2008
2 rounds for time:
21 Left arm DB Snatch
21 Barbell Thruster
21 Right arm DB Snatch
21 Barbell Thruster
Coach’s notes: Guys use a 40lb DB for the snatch and gals 25. For the thruster guys you get 95 lbs, gals 65 or scale as appropriate.
CrossFit Calgary has added a Crescent Heights Outdoor class. Check out the details by clicking here.
23:46 25lb Snatch 30lb Thruster (w/ 15lb dumbells * no bar avail)
For Time
135lb Dead Lift
Time = 4:50
Hands and arms are messed up.
1Mile run tonight.
Seriously scaled: 10lbs dbell and 35 lbs barbell for thrusters…
20:03…tough workout…looked forward to the thrusters!!
This one looks like a killer……… so i decided to sub for 6 hours of snowboarding…… Does that count as crossfit????
1Mile Run = 6:04