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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Saturday, December 19, 2009

“Heavy Fran”

15-12-9 rep rounds for time:
Weighted Pull-ups


Coach’s notes: For the board.  Guys use 135 lbs for thrusters and 45 lbs for weight pull-ups, gals use 95 lbs for thrusters and 30 lbs for weighted pull-ups.  Scale as necessary, but weight used should be more than your normal Fran weight.  Post time to comments. 

Comments: 10

13:35 – weight was taken from the rack not the floor.

the Thrusters were as rx’d and 20 pounds for the pull-ups

the thrusters were ok had trouble with the transition from the front squat to the overhead press due to lack of flexibility in the wrist/forearm

pull-ups it was hard to hold the weight between the legs could only do 2-3 reps at a time

11:25…..scaled thrusters 85#, pullups 20#. probably should have done Rx for thrusters. Was not sure what to expect.
Thanks DJ

19:53- yes, it’s true, I have the slowest pullups on the planet! Thrusters were as rx’d and pull ups were only 10 – that was enough.
Krista and Liz you two are just way too strong and speedy – good work! Thanks DJ.

Thrusters are some kind of messy. 1st round at 75#, 2nd round failed thruster 5x down to 65# for 2 reps then started failing again. Getting stuck at the bottom and timing is off. Finished with 56#.
Pull ups got sloppy too. Started with purple band, then had to switch to blue.
Lots to work on here!

20:10 as rx’d.

Thrusters were really heavy for me, and we done in mainly singles, with the occasional double and triple. Pullups were done with 45# of dumbbells stuffed into my backpack, which was much better than trying to hold weight between my legs.

Thanks Alvaro and DJ for the push to rx’d thrusters!

22:41 not as rx’d
Started as rx’d and once I got to the 10th Thruster at 135# DJ demoted me to 115# as he realized he was going to be there for the rest of the afternoon if I kept going with that weight. Pull ups were all with 45# using Cory’s backpack. Probably I did not do every single one perfectly but it wasn’t a big problem compared with the Thrusters. Way easier with the backpack instead of hooking the weight between the legs. Keep that one in mind, you can kip better!

Weight as Rx’d. Taken from rack not the floor

Those Heavy Thrusters are killing my legs like nothing else in recent memory!

In Whistler, will have to try this one when I get back. Looks like fun…in a warped kind of way.
Checked out both CrossFit Whistler and CrossFit Squamish and had a blast at both. Did Grace at CF Whistler and Heavy Bench and Deadlift at CF Squamish. It’s almost like they knew I was coming so they programmed heavy lifting :o)
Love it!!

14:28 thrusters as rx’d (from rack)
pullups 20 lbs (will try 30 lbs next time!? I think)
Katie – you were great, and Liz you are a machine … that goes ditto for you Rebecc! (a) hee hee… nice rx’d on Hevy Frn
DeeJay – great class! thanks!

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