Saturday, August 9, 2008
As many rounds in twenty minutes:
20 double unders
20 KB swings
Coach’s notes: Guys use 1.5 pood (or 55lb dumbbell) and gals use 1.0 pood (or 35 lb dumbbell). Post rounds completed to comments.
CrossFit Calgary/OPT are hosting the CrossFit Running and Endurance Certification on Saturday, Aug. 9th and Sunday, Aug. 10th therefore the CrossFit classes on be held outside (rain or shine) at a location about 2 minutes from OPT. You will meet at the tower just off Rocky Ridge Road (east side) about 600 m north of the Aspen Drive turn off.
IMPORTANT NOTICE!!! Our website is currently undergoing some server construction to serve you better. During this process, we cannot post any new WODs until the changes are complete. Therefore, Saturday’s to Tuesday’s WODs will all be posted under Friday’s date. This will not affect how you may be able to post your comments, just how you view the WODs. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
As rx’d – 8 rounds.
It sounded pretty basic but 35lbs is heavy.
In Halifax
run 600m
50 pushups
run 600
50 boxjumps 22″
run 600m
50 situps
run 600m
50 push ups
Caper 20:??
Katie 21:??
sprint 2 laps – 15 Push Up Burpies
2 min rest
sprint 2 laps – 15 chins
2 min rest
spint 2 laps – 15 clap push ups
2 min rest
sprint 2 laps – 15 GHD
2 min rest
sprint 2 laps – 15 dips
Time 14;32
PM WOD to follow Dead Lifts 5 @ 5
As Rx’d
10 rounds…very challenging workout in the sun…was happy to get all of my KBS sets unbroken and even got up to 17 DU on one set…getting better…however too much rest going from DU to KBS…
9 rounds as rx’d
First ever KB WOD with Rx’d weight for both Rebecca and I. Couple that with some seriously terrible DU’s…… and well this was fun!
Blaine 4 rounds + 14 KB swings
Rebecca 5 rounds
9 rounds as Rx’d
DU’s = no problems
9 x 20 KBS at 1.5 pood = made me feel ill. 3 hour later, I still feel like I got run over by a semi.
Dead Lift
5@ 225
5@ 275
5@ 275
5@ 275
5@ 275
good job Blaine and Rebecca!