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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Saturday, August 8, 2009

15, 30, 45, 30, 15 reps for time of:

Push Ups

Row (cal)

Double Unders

Coach’s notes:  Post time to complete to comments.

Important Reminder – CFC is hosting a Level II certification on Wednesday, August 12 and Thursday, August 13 and a Level I certification on Saturday, August 15 and Sunday, August 16.  Therefore a modified class schedule will be in effect during these certification times. On Wednesday there will be no 9:30 am class but the evening classes will run as scheduled and on Thursday the only class cancellation will be the 9:30 am class.  On Saturday and Sunday, all classes will be cancelled with the exception of the POSE running class which will run as scheduled.  Thank you for your understanding.   

A rowing certification has been added to the list of certifications that CFC HQ is hosting.  Click here for more detials and to register.

Comments: 15

Good Morning CFC Kids class will be at Arbour Lake at 845 am this morning. Thank you!

Push-ups off toes for first 15, then off knees.
Rows were a nightmare. Had to take breaks in both 30 cal and the 45 cal rows.
DU’s were easy other than the last 15. 4
Thanks Todd for a great class!

Ignore that 4 in my DU remark. Had some help from little hands. 🙂

17:49 as Rx’d.

20:30 as rx’d.

By the round of 45 pushups were broken into 3s for most of it. I decided to do the DUs as unbroken sets, so I took a bit more time after the row to make sure I would get them all unbroken.

21:36 as rx’d rowing was nooo fun today.

Crossfit CDA Workout- 21-15-9 reps for time of 225# Deadlift and 1/2 BW DB Push Press

as Rxd= 6:15
PP= 50# DB, BW of 200
Deadlifts= tougher today than last time I did Diane, probably from rowing/KB swings yesterday.
See everyone back in calgary monday night

23:?? can’t remember now!
1/2 pushups from toes 1/2 from knees
my DUs were brutal today – thought I was improving on them!
Thanks Todd & Rob – great class! liked the ring stuff

Did modified version of today’s WOD. Did 15,30,15 and push ups were from the knees. Tough but fun! Hopefully I’m able to pick my kids up tomorrow. If not, Todd – you’re babysitting! Thanks Rob and Todd!

Urge to barf was high post wod.

btw anyone want a Pearl Jam ticket? $50 for a crossfitter.
4035422654 call asap. 🙂

15:07 as rx’d
Thanks Todd and Rob for the shove.

wasnt able to make it today but went to the Y and did 4000m row which too 15:57 and was 247 calories, the row was awesome look forward to some more long ones like it, also did a dip ladder started at 10-1 then decided to go 1-10, did 100 GHD sit ups and some arm curls to impress the ladies haha

D_ 23.15, pushups and row were okay, double unders were singles and very poor.

35 minutes as Rx’d, double unders were killer.

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