Saturday, August 30, 2008
As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
10 Left Arm Dumbbell Snatch
10 Right Arm Dumbbell Snatch
20 Double Unders
Coach’s notes: Guys use 45 and gals 25 lbs for the snatch. Post number of rounds completed to comments.
As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
10 Left Arm Dumbbell Snatch
10 Right Arm Dumbbell Snatch
20 Double Unders
Coach’s notes: Guys use 45 and gals 25 lbs for the snatch. Post number of rounds completed to comments.
as rx’d
7 rounds…… I was a sweaty mess but loved every minute of it.
Warm up with light OHS and snatch practice.
Day 5 of my 1 x 20 reps back squat experiment.
Last time (167lbx20) I didn’t quite feel like I was going to die by rep 15, so I went up by 8lb instead of 5.
Today 175lb. Got the 20 reps done in one set. Next time 182lb.
Who’s the dude lurking in the barbells in back?
As Rx’d
6 even
35 lbs.
3 +10+10+7
As Rx’d
7 rounds.
Sorry 6 rounds