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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Saturday, August 15, 2009

As many rounds in 20 minutes of:

25 Double Unders


Coach’s notes:  Guys weight for the SDLHP is 95 lbs. and 65 lbs. for gals.  The double unders must be completed in one set each round.  In other words if you miss completing 25 double unders in a row, you must repeat that set of double unders before: you move on to the SDLHP.  SDLHP sets can be broken.  Post number of rounds complete to comments.

Comments: 6

I have a spot for the Barbell Cert on Sept 12 / 13 that I will be unable to attend. If anyone is interested send me an email.


Did this at Cochrane Health and Fitness with quite the audience / disturbances. I am sure everyone knows what I am talking about… 🙂
8 rounds + 25 DU’s. Scaled SDLHP to 45#.
DU’s were all unbroken. SDLHP felt tough today. Had to use a 45# bar, so I might have lowered it too far in each rep. Lungs also really struggled today. My breaks were waaay too long.
So, I didn’t only get a workout done for my drop-in fee. Some random guy also educated me about leather and weighted skipping ropes that are about an inch in diameter and asked me if I use any of those. And then to top it off he attempted to give me some Buddy Lee like performance with my rope that turned into some crazy, tangled, bruising, disastrous concoction. Oh the entertainment! 🙂

11 rounds + 25 DUs + 8 SDLHPs

DUs were done with a rope at least 1 ft too short for me, and SDLHPs were done without bumper plates to about 2″ off the floor.

DUs were all unbroken, and SDLHPs were broken 9-6 for most sets. But I was definitely taking too long between my SDLHP sets. With someone yelling at me I think 13 rounds was doable. 🙂

Wow. I found this really hard. I haven’t skipped whatsoever since elementary school and weigh almost 260lbs…so all my skipping was done with single unders, but did 50 in a row each time. Made it 7 rounds of 95# SDLHP with 50 su skips per round and one extra set of the SDLHP’s at the end….the cardio is coming, slowly but surely.

My gf did 7 rounds of 65# and 50 single unders per round.

12 rds

10 rds + 7 du

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