Saturday, August 1, 2009
5 rounds for time:
400 m Run
15 Overhead Squats
Coach’s notes: Guys use 95 lbs and gals use 60 lbs for overhead squats, or scale if needed. Post time to complete to comments.
Compare to April 17, 2009
Important Reminder – the holiday class schedule will be in place for the upcoming holiday on Monday, August 3. The 9:30 am and 6:00 pm classes will be available for member and drop-in attendance.
CF kids class will be held at Crossfit Calgary
Completely off topic — who ever knew that ‘the Shining” staring Jack Nicholson is a comedy?!!! If you need to borrow my niece for this experience, go for itl PS The Russian Prince didn’t hurt!
16:58 w/ 75lbs. Great workout!
D 18:15 as Rxd, Thanks Todd!
16:04 as Rxd, thanks for class Todd
sub’d front squat at 45#, 20:47
Scaled OHS to 22# as it was only my second time doing them. Definitely could have used more weight (did them all straight through), but really wanted to focus on technique and increase my confidence with having a weight overhead while squatting.
After the workout practiced pull-ups and got 2 consecutive kipping pull-ups twice!!! YEY!!! 🙂
25:22 ughhhh
Left shoulder kept failing on me. Might have pulled something, this was not happening with 1RM attempts. Or could be left arm is much weaker.
16:55 as rx’d. Runs were slower than I would have liked, but it was still a PR by about 2:30, so I can’t complain too much.
Great job Cory and Taylor. A 2:30 improvement is huge Cory
Thanks for the class Gord and a great job by all!
Sorry..thanks for class Todd (not Gord)…but I knew I saw Gord there earlier
16:11 as required
Way to go Katrin!
Did you get the stuff left for you in the office?
Rebecca: Shoulder acting up – only 45lbs