Saturday, April 18, 2009
Tabata Something Else
Coach’s notes: Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises. Post total reps from all 32 intervals to comments.
Compare to May 21, 2008
Pullups 10,7,7,6,4,4,3,3
Pushups 15,10,7,7,8,8,4,5
Situps 8,7, 7,8,8,8,8,9
Squats 12,15,14,12,13,12,12,12
…and 1 roll up into the fetal position….
Pullups (with blue band) 47/Push ups 59/ sit ups 82/ squats 134
Pullups 12/8/7/6/6/6/6/6 = 57
Pushups 15/10/6/5/6/5/4/5 = 56
Situps 12/13/14/13/12/12/12/13 = 101
Squats 17/18/17/17/15/15/15/15 = 129
Total = 343
oops forget to record that my pushups were from the knees from rd 4 on.
Pull-ups: 33
Push-ups: 12/10/8/6/6/5/5/5 = 57
Sit-ups: 10/12/11/11/11/11/12/12 = 90
Squats: 13/12/12/11/10/11/10/11 = 90
Total 270
blue band assisted pull-ups
Pullups 10/10/9/7/5/5/4/4 = 54
Pushups 15/12/10/7/7/7/6/6 = 70
Situps 15/14/14/14/14/13/13/14 = 111
Squats 17/19/19/17/17/16/16/18 = 139
Total = 374
Less that May 21 2008, but my pull-ups suck ’cause I have to do them supinated grip due to a shoulder problem and I also increased my squat depth.
pull-ups 7/7/6/5/4/4/4/4 (with a flaccid Walmart band)
push-ups 12/10/9/8/7/7/8/7
sit-ups 14/12/10/10/10/9/10/10
squats 16/19/18/17/16/16/16/17
total 321
Pull-ups: 35 band assisted
Push-ups: 57 from toes
Sit-ups: 119
Squats: 114
Total: 325
Pull Ups: 23 (on rings, bad elbows and shoulders)
Push Ups: 83
Sit-ups: 83 (w Ab Mat and feet locked)
Squats: 126
Total: 315