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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Saturday, April 12, 2008


“Diane” – 21, 15, 9 rep rounds for time of:

Hands Stand Push-Up (HSPU)

225 lb. Deadlift

Coach’s notes:  Gals use 155 lb. deadlift or scale as appropriate.  HSPU’s are done against a wall with forehead touching the floor on each rep.  Post time to complete to comments.

Compare to Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Comments: 11

In Vancouver:

19:16.41 as Rx’d (bought a stop watch 🙂 )

21 dead lift’s were broken into 16, 4, 1
21 HSPU broken into 8, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1

15 DL’s, 6, 4, 3, 2
15 HSPU, 5, 3, 3, 2, 2

9 DLs’s, 4, 2, 2, 1
9 HSPU, 3, 2, 2, 2

This is the first WOD I have done with the prescribed weight. The only reason i tried with the prescribed weight was b/c on Wed. I did heavy DL’s and did 335lb (had 350 but did not lock out at the top…) and I had much more in me. This gave me confidence to tackle today…I actually felt great with the DL’s today and the only reason why I had to break up the sets was b/c my grip went…my back was strong and once my grip strength improves I think I can
do this WOD w/o breaking up the DL sets….the HSPU are another story. I had a towel folded on the ground to get as close to ground as possible but I am not sure if all my HSPU’s may have been considered full HSPUs….

I wish I was in class for this one today as you guys always push me harder than I think I can go….good luck to everyone in class…

note: for my 21 HSPU it should read 8, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1…

“The Bear”
Great to have OPT and AFT and Lauren giving a push. Their performances were awesome.

R1 = 45lb
R2 = 65lb
R3 = 70lb
R4 = 75lb
R5 = 80lb
R6 = 85lb
R7 = 90lb

Tough is all I can say.

Tonight Run 800m *3 with lots of rest.

As Rx’d

Did yesterday’s workout, the 25ers. 2nd round kicks you in the ass.
23:56 Doulbe unders were the tough ones, just couldn’t keep them together!!!!
Great WOD, hope to see this one soon again.

Nice work on the BEAR Rob.

I also did Friday’s WOD today.
Did the first round in 15 min and hit the wall on the 2nd round.
Finishing with wall balls is a killer!
It is always good to look for excuses and I was in Regina and Estevan the last 4 days. Did not work out a single time in four days, slept 4 hours a day and spent many hours a day in bars. Too much too drink! Not good!

awesome work Mack – as rx’d in sub 5 is impressive.

800m Runs * 3 7min rest


Lungs are on fire.
POSE run was good, fatigue kicks in at around the 5-600m mark, then just grunt work to get done.
did 400m one way and then turned back, more work than just a flat straight run.

Thanks G, Your time was smokin for your WOD

Great Work out!!
Nice work Saturday crew…always inspiring to see
what is achievable.

6:42 (108 lbs deadlift)
HSPU from a box

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