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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Saturday, April 10, 2010

21, 15, 9 rep rounds for time:

Barbell Front Squat


Coach’s notes:  Guys use 135 lbs and gals 85 lbs for front squat.  Barbell must be taken off the floor.  Post time to complete to comments.

Comments: 11

8:54 rx’d from home
taking 85lbs from the floor when tired is hell. I did 21 back squats straight through and took a few rests with other 2 sets. Rest during burpees is a better idea.

6:52 with 75lbs. Thanks DJ for the push to use a heavier weight. I think I would have stayed at 65lbs otherwise. Great work Katie. You did amazing!

wrists very sore, burpies suck
good WOD

A. Snatch grip DL 165×5, 195×5, 215×5, 235×3, 265×3, 290×3
B. WOD. 7:34 as rx’d.
Broke set of 21 & 15 FS in 2 sets. Rest unbroken but rested a bit between burpees and next set of FS to minimize how many time I’d have to clean the bar.

5:50 as rx’d. Thanks DJ! Katrin, thanks for the help with the C2B – that was fun.

Scaled front squats to 65# which still felt heavy! Come on legs, get stronger already!!!!
Great work Katie and Anita; You did awesome. And well done Katie with the CTB pull-ups!
Thanks DJ!

Scaled front squats to 75#. Did 21 and 9 squats straight. Took 2 breaks with the 15.
Great times above ladies!

95#, 7:29. Took it easy

90 lbs.
Haven’t been able to get out of 2nd gear all week.

9:55 rxd


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