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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Monday, September 8, 2008

Power Snatch – 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

Coach’s notes:  Post load for all sets to comments.

CrossFit Calgary is holding another kipping seminar.  Click here for more details.

Comments: 12

You know there’s other way to meet men, Kathleen…

75, 85, 90, 95, 105, failed at 110

Well, it finally happened today ;-(
I have a shoulder prone to dislocation due to an old injury and associated torn ligaments. But I had managed to keep the sucker in it’s socket for years.
At 117lb power snatch, I had the weight overhead, but somehow my shoulder was dislocated. Happened so fast I have no idea what I did wrong. Did not enjoy the resulting scene in the crowded gym, dropping the weight and trying to find a place the re-set my arm in it’s socket.
Between that, an elbow injury that won’t heal and bicycle crash on my commute this morning, I’m ready to pack it in for a while. Now I’m going to go fetch my last beer. Sorry for the rant, I needed to vent.

ouch Pierre, sorry to hear about all that. Relax and rest a bit then refocus. Odd as it can seem there is a saying that every event that occurs is for your benefit. I’ve been having treatment on my elbow for months so hear you on that aspect.
Take care.

Practice practice practice…very techical lift
Neil up to 90 lbs
Judy up to 44 lbs

Gord- up to 115 x3
Laura -up to 67.5 x3
humbling exercise

As Rx’d
Max lift 135 X 3

Sorry to hear it Pierre, hope you recover quickly

Made it to 54.5!

Pierre,I know what you are going through I have had numerous dislocations and multiple surgeries. It does get better! My shoulder has not been as bad as in the past, hang in there.


Judy….correction…went to 37 lbs

As Rx’d

Stayed at 115lb and worked A LOT on form and getting under the bar…

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