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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Monday, September 3, 2018

A1.  Barbell Front Rack Walking Lunge – 10 steps (5/leg) X 5 sets, rest approx. 2:00

A2.  GHD Sit-ups – 10-15 X 5 sets, rest approx. 2:00

A3.  Handstand Hold – Accumulate 30-60s X 5 sets, rest approx. 2:00

Coach’s notes:

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WOD Leaderboard

Comments: 2

Snatch complex of: power snatch, OHS, hang snatch, OHS. worked through all the empty bars, then 65#, 75#, 85#, 95#, 105#. Failed last OHS at 105 but otherwise unbelievably stoked. Huge PRs by like 35# at least. Still kind of figuring out my numbers for these lifts so not entirely sure, but had so much fun with it.

Then turned Friday’s WOD into a partner WOD with Jen G. Upped the reps a wee bit. We did:

1 round for time of:

75 Push Press – 135#/95#
75 Dumbbell Ground to Overhead – 70#/45#
75 Pistols
75 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
75 Burpees
75 Box Jumps – 24”20”
75 Cal Row

Push press was at 65# for me, DB ground to OH was at 50#. 5# plate under heel for the pistols. Everything else RXd I think.

So fun today. Awesome turnout on the holiday. Thanks and nice work Jen, ya killed it.

A1. 135# /155# /175# /185# /190#: I had to make sure to drive up, not forward as the got heavier. Thanks for the tip Lauren.

A2. 20 reps/20 reps/20 reps/20 reps/20 reps: Driving my legs down was the only way to do these many reps.

A3. This was frustrating. I was up on the wall and was able to balance for 2-4 secs off the wall. I was trying to have my balance point more on the back of my hands then on my fingers (which is how I walk on my hands).

A4: 100 DU/ 100 DU/ 100 DU/ 100 DU/ 100 DU. Chipping away at the September 10,000 DU challenge. I’m up to 1,500 DU.

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