Monday, September 27, 2010
Audra and daughter Julia wodding together
For time:
10-1 HSPU’s Alternating with
1-10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Coach’s notes: Start with 10 HSPU`s, then do 1 C to B pull-up, then 9 HSPU`s, followed by 2 C to B pull-ups, etc, until you reach 1 HSPU followed by 10 C to B pull-ups. These movements do not have to be performed in unbroken sets. Post time to complete to comments.
Like mama like daughter!! Burpee queen/princess!! Sooo cute!!!
TT gymnastics class was awesome! Looking forward to it!
Did yesterday’s WOD w/ 85# Power Cleans…14:01
Can’t do a HSPU so worked on holds and negatives. Glad I got to work on feeling more comfortable getting into a handstand.
Thanks Lindsay!
HSPU scaled to lowers to ab mat (last 2,1 lowered to ground)
C to B pull-ups as Rx’d
Thanks Michelle!
Great Video!
Nice work in the 5:00pm class!
Okay, haven’t done these for awhile and my arms are feelin it!!
35 minutes
Band assisted HSPU’s C-B as rx’d
Thanks 1 at a time buddy!!!!!
Great job to the 5pm class! HSPU’s are tough on their own…nevermind with a CTB ladder!
HSPU – Purple-purple
First 15 HSPU I had upper band wrapped once around the bar.
For the rest I had it wrapped twice around the bar.
This minor adjustment kept things on the edge.
27 min HSPU with blue and purple band, Chest to bar easy.
Then did 10 rdsof: 10 135# DL + 10 push ups. Time 12:00
Started out as rx’d, very quickly fell apart. Rds. 7-9 were a mix of abmat HSPU’s and lowers to an abmat. Rounds 1-6 HSPU’s to abmat. Chest to Bar as rx’d and unbroken. 18:34. Great job Blaine, that time is insane.
Neil: 34:11 double blues for HSPU unassisted for CtB PU’s, did first round of 10 HSPU’s unbroken then the wheels fell off, rd 2, was 4 and then 3 then 2 so like Jeff I put the top band once around the bar and that allowed me to do 4 in a row again, CtB were more like chin over the bar towards the end. Great coaching as always Michelle! I have a feeling I won’t be able to move my arms in 48 hrs….
25.49 (I think). HSPU were with two blue bands. CTB were ok and unbroken until rep 10 round 10 i failed a rep. I need a lot of work with this movement. Great work Blaine.
yesh Julia seems to enjoy burpies!
29:35 C-B Pull-ups as rx’d and double green bands for the hspu
Thanks Michelle
Love the video by the way, Julia is adorable!!!
Didn’t really push this one too fast… 25:42 HSPU rounds 10,9 to abmat remainder purple/purple bands (shoulders felt tired… lots of push/pull yesterday in TT gymnastics)
C2B as rx’d rounds 1-6 UB, rounds 7,8,9,10 in 4’s&3’s
Michelle, thanks as always for your great coaching and positive words! Quiet tonight!!! where was everyone??? this was a GOOD one for me to practice HSPU’s!
Time didn’t really matter for me in this one; mainly wanted to build my confidence in being upside down. HSPU’s still terrify me!!! Took extra rest and helped out with spotting between rounds.
HSPU’s with two purple bands on the bar and one purple band for harness. Probably could have gone with one purple on the bar as I did all sets unbroken, but again, this was to build confidence…
CTB pull-ups as rx’d. Biggest set was 5.
Time: 23:51
Thanks a lot Michelle for a great class and for helping out with the HSPU’s!!!
30:10. Used purple-purple for HSPUs and did the CTB unassisted.
Fun class at 8pm.
Thanks Michelle.
Great job tonight Katrin! thanks Michelle for all the extra help.
Didn’t look at time.
did all pullups (not chest to bar) expect for the last 3 sets (went purple then blue) without bands (for the first time!)
HSPU- first time started blue and blue, then went to blue purple, then purple/purple.
great work tonight everyone! Did this one after classes….
52:52 as rx’d….seriously….hspu’s dropped off real quick(26 min to get to end of 7hspu/4c2b). Got it in my head that I wasn’t leaving till I was done…..c2b unbroken until round 10(7/3)
Gorgeous video!
35:35 – HSPU were with green +blue band and lots of generous help from Chantal.
Pulls ups were chin ups…. Thanks 5:00 class. Tons o’ fun!
40:23 with blue band assist for HSPU. No assist for pull ups
9:16 as rx’d (used 45# plates for HSPU)