Monday, September 24, 2018

A. 2018 CrossFit Team Series Event 1
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
Bar-facing burpees
B. Practice handstand walks, holds, presses, progressions, etc. with time remaining.
A. 2018 CrossFit Team Series Event 1
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
Bar-facing burpees
B. Practice handstand walks, holds, presses, progressions, etc. with time remaining.
A little sluggish after the Attollo Cup. Squeaked out 80 reps right at the buzzer. Thanks for the finish line push Nat.
91 reps.
I’m a little sore in the thighs after Attollo Cup but this workout I didn’t have to think. Just get into a rhythm, turn off your brain and move. Lots of fun to push yourself.
Thanks for the push at the end Nat. And great group warm up with the wheelbarrow.
10 am awesome work. And Erica, 101 reps?!? Thats amazing! #goals
I was pretty happy to just not trip over the bar after getting a full body beat down at Attollo on Saturday.
Managed to squeak out 76 reps.
Good burpee-ing, 6am. And some great handstand walks! (Jo, Phil and Madison!)
Thanks Shannon!
A. 88 reps
Surprised at how quick the time went. Still have room to push a little harder on this one.
B. Handstand walks were good today. Managed to go over an obstacle (10# plates) for the first time ever.
Nice work on the obstacle course Bryan! Noticed that you didn’t have any 10# plates in there, but 45#’s, 35#’s and parallets is pretty good too. 🙂
Thanks Brett!
86 RX’d Mutha Bucking Furpees!
Too busy moving to crawl faster today.
Also managed a handstand hold for 5ish seconds.
Did not expect a good gymnasty day.
Thanks Brett.
A: 85 reps.
Thanks for the tip about stepping in and turning through the jump Josh.
I’m like Derek Zoolander though, I can only turn one direction.
B: did a few wall walks but my head was pounding and I was getting dizzy so packed it in.
Thanks Brett and Josh.
94 burpees. Not much to say about that one, ouch?
97 burpees. 3 short of my goal. One of those workouts where you could look back and know excatly where I could have found 3 more…
A. Worked on a steady pace and came out with 70. Gotta love those burpees!
B. Played around a little bit. Held a 35 sec handstand no walking then worked on some press to handstands.
Great job Shannon and 6am, was a fun one!
A. 105
A. 90 Burpees. ouch. The energy efficient techniques that Brett gave during 6pm were useful.
B. Worked on HSW, got off of the wall for the first time. MAX 4 steps by myself, then some sweet ninja moves rolled out. lol.
Fun wod Brett, even though burpees S-U-C-K. Was cool to see the little sweat puddles on the floor.