Monday, September 22, 2008
1 round for time
50 Deadlift
50 Double Unders
50 Anchored Sit Ups
Coach’s notes: Guys use 135 lbs and gals 95 lbs for deadlift. Post time to complete to comments.
See how your times compare to the competitors in the recent OPT Fitness Challenge. Top female competitor Kathleen finished this WOD in 3:30 and top male competitor Mike F. finished in 2:45:09.
Definately not a contender, yet a great workout…
as perscribed 9:20 Yeah less then 10 minutes! Double unders were a definate slow down, think I will spend some time on thoses!
Oh and not to be forgotten…GREAT Job Paige!
– 1 set of 20 reps back squat at 187lb. Next time 192lb.
– 100 push ups in 3 sets
– 50 deadlifts at 135lb in 2 sets
David- as Rx’d (exception ‘dbl unders’ were lucky to be ‘unders’ 90% of the time)-10:42.8
Monique – as Rx’d (w/ single unders) 95# dead lift was a tough push in sets of 5- 10:25.5
Great job to you too Kelley! and Monnette!
as rx’d 4:49
double unders were more difficult after the deadlifts…lost focus…got frustrated.
Thank you for straightening me out Michelle and James and Brett 🙂
That was fun.
As rx’d
DL – 2:30 – 20/10/10/5/5
DU – 5:30 – slightly better than my usual struggle
SU – 1:07
Total – 9:07
MikeF’s 2:45 is pure badass!!
As Rx’d.
PO’d at time as I could have powered through the dead lifts faster.
Deadlifts were slow, some straight legged, some bent knee, it seems all a blur.
Neil as rx’d – 8:59
Judy as RX’D 🙂 – 8:22
Gord as rx’d- 3:38 (time at opt comp was 4:59)
As Rx’d
All time lost on DU’s…broken into 4 sets…blasted all 50 DLs straight through (seemed incredibly light)…disappointed with time b/c I was not even close to being gassed…oh well I guess it is time to by a jump rope and finally practice DUs!
Great job tonight Judy!
Congrats on the ‘as rx’d’ Judy! Nicely done!!!