Monday, October 20, 2008
In 12 minutes complete:
75 Wallballs
As many Hang Power Cleans as possible
Coach’s notes: Guys use 20 lbs and gals use 12 lbs for wallballs. Guys use 115 lbs and gals use 75 lbs for cleans. Post number of cleans completed to comments.
Ooooh, action photo of Corson!
Wallballs as rx’d & sub’d 45# for cleans instead…number of cleans was 70. Probably could have bumped up the weight but didn’t want to fatigue in the middle.
40 HPC @ 70LBS
60# thrusters instead of WB’s
25 cleans
and the 28 burpies
Gord – 76 reps
Laura -62 reps
as rx’d
wall balls in 2:17…I was too gassed during the HPC’s
HPC’s – 62 reps
47 HPCs @ 47lbs