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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Monday, October 12, 2009

21,15,9 rep rounds for time: 

L Pull Up

Push Jerk

 Coach’s notes:  Guys use 155lbs and gals 105lbs. for jerk.  Post time to complete to comments.

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday today a modified class schedule will be in effect.  The 9:30 am class and 6:00 pm class will be available for member and drop-in attendnce.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Comments: 34


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That’s a great picture!!

I am seriously loving that picture!

I think we should draw a new line for Cory’s wallballs!!!! this picture says it all!!


Happy Birthday, Brett!

Happy Birthday Coach!
(And thanks Mr. Aucoin — I had just taken a swig (as some of us old people like to call it) of coffee — and splurted it out when I read your comment….)

Happy Birthday Brett!!!
Great Picture!! 🙂

Happy Birthday Coach! Have a great day and an amazing year ahead-hopefully no one at the firehall sees todays posts…

135– need to improve form to actually call these pj’s
L’s were not all 90 degree, fist few were


L’s were modified to “seated” position.
Weight scaled to only 65Ibs

Good to be back.

Happy Birthday Brett! love the picture!
19:15 L pullups as rx’d (or as best as possible – kind of like j’s when lowering!)
85 lbs for pj’s

scaled to 47# for PJs
PUs were band assisted – used purple band for first 2 rnds, then switched to blue.

Way to go on the pull ups, Krista! Strong!!

oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BRETT! awesome photo!

Happy birthday coach, keep holding out for that growth spurt

13:56, weight as rx’d, pullups were kipping.

Thanks for a great class today Brett, and have a great birthday today!

Happy Birthday Brett and all the best for a great year ahead!

It’s all perspective, Brett was actually standing closer to the camera than it appears…

21:29 with 135# push jerks and L – tending towards J – pullups.

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Coach!!! Hope you have a great day! Thanks for all that you do to contribute to the great energy and positivity we have at CFC!

16:47- Knees up position for pullups, deadhang still. Scaled weight to #125.


65 lbs for PJs
blue-band assisted PUs
didn’t do the hang and raise knees, pull ups were tough enough today

Great Work out! Thanks Brett and Happy BDay!

Happy Birthday Brett!!

20:09 with 155 lb taken from the rack. L Pull -ups were actually pretty decent but only in sets of 3 max.

20:40 Weight scaled to 125#
Happy B-Day Brett!

75 lbs for PJ
Did knees to elbows instead of LPU. If rep didn’t touch my elbows I repeated it.
Happy Birthday Brett!

Scaled wt. to 110 lbs.
This resulted in sets of 3, 2 or 1 so it was a pretty good wt. to go with.
L pull-ups were full-on capital L, arial font

That is a great picture!!!! Happy birthday Brett, hope you have a fantastic day. 26:26 This was a rough one for me, need to work on form as I did more of a Push Press instead of a Push Jerk. Legs weren’t completely straight on the pull-ups.

32:09 as R’xd
Found this very hard especially on the on the wrist
the legs were not very good on the L pull-ups. Just one more thing to work on
Thanks everyone for the support and encouragement.

25:04 – bent knee pull ups and push jerk was 85 lbs. Happy Birthday Brett!

14:50 very hard workout, the push jerk was heavie.. happy b day bretttttttt

Hey Brett Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday Brett!!!!! Thanks for training me and putting up with me for so long

Happy Birthday AFT!!!!!
27:45 with 135#

Haha! Awesome. Happy belated, Brett!

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