Monday, October 11, 2010
A.1 Shoulder Press – 3-5 reps x 5 sets@ 4111, rest 90-120 seconds
A.2 Pull-up – 3-5 reps x 5 sets @ 4111, rest 90-120 seconds
A.3 GHD Sit-ups -20-30 unbroken reps x 5 sets, rest 90-120 seconds
Coach’s notes: Post loads per set for A and B and reps for sets in C to comments.
A1. 65×5/75×5/80×5/85×4/90×2 (f@3)
A2. BW/10/15/20/25 all @ 5 reps
A3. 30/30/25/20*this one broken… feeling quite dizzy and back sore
Great turnout this am – nice work by everyone!
Ali thanks for the great coaching as always!!!
A.1: 65×5/75×5/85×3/85×2/85×3
A.2: BWx5/BWx5/BWx4/BWx4/BW+5lbsx3
A.3: 25/25/25/20*- my apologies to poor Meredith who suffered here with a few slaps from me swinging my arms up- I had to stop from laughing- sorry, it’s still funny./20 ohh my lower back.. I broke a few of these up for a few seconds- oops I didn’t realize it was unbroken.
Fun class Ali- thanks! Thanks Rebecca for sharing the bar!
A1: 45×5/55×5/65×3/65×3/65×3 – really focused on tempo and being strict (minimal hip movement in the end)
A2: 4/4/3/3/4 – all at bodyweight (tempo made these really tough)
A3: 30/25/25/25/25
Thanks Ali for a great class!
A1: 45/55/60 (failed at 4)/62.5 (failed at 2)/60 (failed at 3)
A2: 4/4/5/4/4 (purple band)
A3: 20/21/15/16/15
Thanks Nancy for being my workout buddy! Thank YOU, Ali!
A1. 65 X2/75 x1/80 x1/85×1- f@*ked up shoulder wouldn’t let me do multiple reps 🙁
A2. did 3 reps at BW for 5 sets ….
A3. subbed in ab mat situps instead- 30 reps X 5
Thanks Ali!
A1. 65×5/70×5/70×4/70×4/70×5
A2. 5 reps x 5 sets (Blue Band)
A3. 20 reps x 5
Thank you Ali!
Did Saturday’s, posted there
A1. 65×5/ 75×5/ 80×3/ 85×3/85×3
A2. 4 reps x 5 sets (BW)
A3. 25/ 21/22/ 22/ 21
A1. 45×5/55×5/60×5/65×5/70×3
A2. 5/4/3/3/3 @BW
A3.30/25/20/20/30 Very dizzy
Thanks Ali
A1. 95×5/ 105×5/ 115×3/ 115×2/115×2
A2. 5 reps x 4 sets (BW) + 5 reps x 1 set (BW + 10#) + 2 reps x 1 set (BW + 35#)
A3. 30/ 20/20/ 20
Day behind…as usual.
A.1. 95×5, 105×5, 115×5, 125×4, 135×4
A.2. 5 reps x 5- chest to bar
A.3. 25 unbroken x 5
Done on Sunday
A1. 75×5/85×5/95×5/100×4
A2. 7.5×5/10×5/12.5×4/12.5×3
A3. 25/20/13/13
Ran out of time to do the 5th