Monday, November 30, 2009
6 rounds for time:
Squats – 80, 64, 48, 32, 24, 12
KB Swings – 40, 32, 24, 16, 12, 6
Pull Ups – 20, 16, 12, 8, 6, 3
Coach’s notes: This one’s for the board. Use the above rep scheme given for each exercise. Guys use 1.5 pood and ladies 1.0 pood for the KB swings. Post time to comments.
The holiday schedule is now posted. Click here to view.
I hope it’s only one round of the above!
blue band assisted pu’s – 28:36
Rx’d 33:33
Rx’d 18:36 (I think! 18: something around there anyways!!! written down at x-fit)
Thanks Brett – as always, awesome!
Cory.. if you want to do more than one round have atter!!! hee hee! have fun tonight everyone!
0.7 pod KB swings – 31:45.
23:50 as RX’d.
25:31 rx’d
I did this workout from home and used a 35# db with 2 – 1/2 # weights duct taped to it = 1 pood. Very awkward to work with but I did it. I was determined to do this one rx’d. All pull ups were chin to bar without a band. Most of the chins were 2’s and 1’s.
Did at home so only 1.25 pood:
20:30 as rx’d. Pullups right after KB swings are the death of me. My poor forearms!
Apparently Alvaro has no computer access, so I have to post his disastrous time of 22:40.
Awesome job Chelsea and Carmen!
15:40 as rx’d. Great job everyone.
As RX. 27:06
When does the pain go away???
24:42 Did strict pull ups using 2 purple bands.
Carmen, Chelsea and Katie you girls are amazing. Thanks for the killer workout Brett!
Neil rx’d – 31:30
Judy – .7 pood/blue band PU – 38:30 – squats are the death of me!
17:24 as rx’d. I think I forgot to breathe when I was doing my squats, started seeing stars half way through…
Chelsea, you are a machine!!
19:49, took 3 days of rest and felt amazing today, think this is going to be a ritual seeing as this time was way better then i expected, thx chantel for the encouragement
27:20 – I’m still sweating! What doesn’t kill me will make me stronger, right? Chelsea, Carmen, Krista, Anita, Karen, Amanda and Judy – you are inspiring!
Thanks Brett for helping all of us do our best!
Cory, if Alvaro’s time was disastrous, what does that make my time….?
22:45 as rx’d. The swings burned me the whole workout…thanks Chantal for the great class! Nice job to all the ladies tonight.
19:36. Thanks for the encouragement coaches, I needed it tonight!
Nice work girls! you killed the guys on this one.
Slower than me is always disaster for Alvaro, don’t judge yourself by the same scale. 🙂
32:29 as rx’d WOOHOO!!!!!!!! 🙂
Thanks so much Michelle, Brittany, DJ and Brett for your encouragement and push!!! Thank you for the pointers DJ regarding my pull-ups, and thanks Michelle for all of your feedback at the end of class!!! Greatly appreciate everything!
Way to go ladies and gents!!! There were some amazing performances today!!
Pull-ups definitely ate a lot of time as I couldn’t do more than 4 at a time, but they were unassisted! Major step for me!!! As for KB swings, I definitely can’t wait for the day when the 1 pood doesn’t feel so darn heavy!
Even though this was tough and Pukie was right by my side the entire time, I am looking forward to doing it again in a few months to hopefully see some major improvement in my time!
OK, I’ll shut up now…
Only did half the RX’d # of squats each round
Blue-band assisted PUs
Can’t even IMAGINE doing this work out RX’d in under 20 minutes. Way to go Carmen, Chelsea, Krista!!
Easing back into squats.
Did Lynn yesterday, so my PU’s were weaker
Felt good, liked the smaller sets toward the end. Gotta rest less somehow.
Should be last day of the mo, that should make the Pull-ups lighter
30:45. 1.25 KB and blue band assist for pull ups.
29.46. Tried to do rx’d but KB swings were terrible. Didn’t get full range in the swings.
21:30 as required