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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Monday, November 29, 2021

Complete for time:

21 Deadlift – 225#/155#
400m Run
15 Deadlift
400m Run
12 Deadlift
400m Run
9 Deadlift
400m Run

Coach’s notes:

Post time to complete to comments.

WOD Leaderboard

Comments: 9

10:59 Rx’d.
Thanks Derek!

Went with 185# time 11:41

Thanks Todd

I’m so glad when this couplet shows up. I’ve struggled with it since I started CrossFit.

Today I chose 165#. It turned out to be perfect for completing all the reps with no break. My deadlifts were really solid. Zero back pain afterwards. My transition to running is the best it’s ever felt.

I made some changes to my run which really boosted my confidence and my speed. I can feel my run coming back. Thank you, Jesus, ‘cause running has REALLY SUCKED this last year.

14:12 ended up being my time. I’m really happy I could focus on getting a better time today rather than focusing on getting my feet to work.

Great warm up and cool down. Thanks Todd.

Ooops! 175lbs was my DL weight.

12:18 RX

This is the type of workout I love but I was unsure if I would be able to hold out with RX weight. Happy I pushed the weight and went a bit slower. I had to pace my run down on purpose to keep my heart rate from spiking too high and broke up each set of deadlifts but got through it! Thanks Todd!

Always fun to try and balance the deadlift sets with the run on theses ones, I went:
21 – 15/6
15 – 10/5
12 – 8/3
9 – 5/1/1/1/1

sorry 12 = 8/4

Rx weight for deadlifts
24 calls on bike
Thanks zac!


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