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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Monday, November 17, 2008

30 Muscle-Ups for time


Coach’s notes:  Post time to complete to comments.


Comments: 11


20 rounds + 5 + 10 + 10

PB by 5 push ups and 10 squats

Sub for Muscle-up is 4 pull-ups and 4 dips

Did 90 pull-ups and dips

37:01, ran out of time and my shoulder is still sore/injured from the burpie challenge.

Nice to take the opportunity to work on the mechanics of muscle-ups…I am a very long way off on these but it was great to work on. Thanks for the assistance Brett!

Hands got a little chilly with my make shift rings on the soccer net!

Worked on muscle-ups. Way to go Gord and Steve for outstanding work and effort in doing your 30 muscle-ups!

Gord as rx’d – 6:02
Laura – tech work to start class- finished class with 15 mu’s in 18 min

Hey Laura…Congrats on the muscle ups!!!! That is fantastic!

As Rx’d


did not fail one MU until my last one…took 3 times and over a minute but I got that last one…I am pleased considering I have never done more than 4 MU’s in a day…

aweome work on the muscle ups Steve, Gord and Laura.

First try on a MU WOD.


100pu/100dips – 16:25

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