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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Monday, November 9, 2015

50 Kettlebell Swings – 2.0/1.5 pood
40 Toes to Rings
30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch – 15/arm – 80#/50#
20 Wallballs – 30#/20#
10 Strict Handstand Push-ups

Coach’s notes:

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Comments: 21

18:45 everything Rxd except the hspu, had to start kipping after the first 2.
Thanks OG

Scaled KB to 1.25 pood, DB snatch to 30#, wallballs to 16#
Probably should have gone heavier on the DB snatch…
Nice work 6am crew.
Thanks Colin.

17:30 rx’d, snatches were very slow and HSPU were singles after the first 2.
Thanks Colin!

1.5 pood KB and 60# on DB snatch
Managed 5 HSPU off ab mat and the other 5 were negatives.
Thanks Michelle and Josh!

14:07 rx’d except for handstand push-ups. Had to use 2 ab mats. Stayed and worked on back squats – up to 205# new PR. Thanks, Colin!

Nice Photo you two !!

10:09, ran into a bit of trouble with a ganglion on my fricking finger which made my right hand DB snatches tough.

17:11 mostly RX’d
Used 70# for the snatches. The 10 strict HSPU took me around 4:30 to complete.

Thanks Todd and Jason!

Women’s/Master’s scaling except HSPU – done as downward dog style on the floor (found if my hands and feet are close enough this is harder than on a box)


1.25pd KB swings
35# DB snatches (need to go heavier next time)
18# WB
HSPU off box
Sorry for kicking you on T2R Julie!!
Thanks Todd and Jay!

50 KB Swings @ 1.5 Pood (Broke into 3 Sets / 20 – 15 – 15)
40 T2R (Broke into 4 Sets of 10 Reps)
30 Alternating DB Power Snatch @ 50 lbs (Done 2-4 at a time)
20 Wall Balls @ 20 lbs

Time –> 8:53 then got to the Strict HSPU… Did negatives and practiced kipping HSPU for about 7 minutes and called it at the 16 minutes mark.

Thanks for all your help Coach Michelle! 🙂

12:38. Scaled the kbs up to 2.5 pood, these were tough. The hspu were harder than I thought at the end, took almost 3 min I think. Thanks Todd

14:37 with #55 Db and managed to do 50 toes to rings by accident!

Thanks Todd

Kb – 1 pood, 35# Db, 12 # WB, HSPU to ab mat (no box). Initially only did 30 toes to rings (hands were sore). Finished at 15:47, then went back and completed the last 10 t2r… Took under a minute. Really liked this one! Thanks Todd

KB swings with 1.25pd
DB snatch with 30#
Wall balls with 16#
kipping HSPU TO 5# plate and abmat
Thanks Todd and Jason!

15:20 (had to wait about 2 minutes for one of the 80 lbs Dumbbells to become available). HSPUs were singles.

Thanks Todd and Jason.

11:06 with Kipping HSPU’s at the end instead of strict.

KB Swings 1.25 pood (25/25)
T2R (13/10/10/7)
DBS #35 unbroken, should have gone heavier
WB’s rx’d (5/5/5/5)
HSPU’s ya….tech work!?

Thank you Michelle!!

KB rx’d weight, swung as high as possible, usually around forehead height
T2R sets of 10
Dumbbell snatch @ 40#, sets of 15 reps, probably could have done rx’d
WB rx’d – singles
HSPUs, did 2 strict, then switched to lowers.
Thanks Colin!

9:42 as rx’d


kept it light as to not make my shoulder worse.
KB 1.5
DB Snatch 60
WB 20
HSPU as pike pushups from the ground

Thanks Todd and Jason

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