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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Monday, May 3, 2010

21, 15, 9 rep rounds for time of:

Hang Power Clean


Coach’s notes:  Guys use 135 lbs and gals 95 lbs for hang power cleans and 20 lbs and 14 lbs for wallballs.  Post time to complete to comments.

Comments: 16

At the YMCA as required = 7:05

5:50 with 12lb WB and 52lb bar.
Michelle – Thank you so much for your help on everything: wallballs, cleans, pull ups, toes-to-bar. Hopefully one day I will be able to do all of those things well…i’m determined!
Excellent work by everyone at the 9:30 class!

9:16 w/ 14# WB + 65# bar
Thank you again, Michelle for all of your help during & post-WOD 🙂

6:26, as rx’d

5:46 as rx’d.

Fun workout that probably favoured me a bit…
Cleans were broken 15-6/5-5-5/3-3-3 and wallballs were all unbroken.


WB’s as Rx. Had to scale cleans to 56#, these felt uncoordinated so worked on technique.

5:25 as rx’d

No point in finishing before Karen. She had the car keys.

9:39 – first 15 cleans as rx’d then I failed a bunch so took off weight and did the rest at 75lbs. Cleans are on my lengthy list of “things I REALLY NEED to WORK at”, WBs felt great.
Thanks Ali! Nice times above!

75lbs/14lb wb
I found hang power cleans really difficult tonight.

9:30. Cleans w/ 95lbs and WB w/ 20lbs

as rx’d 17:21! Strenght workout for me! Thanks Ali! Great coaching!

125lbs for 21, 105 for remaining 20lbs for wallballs 9:01

Did Fran @ YMCA as I did cleans day prior

11:30 with red ass;’d band p/u…time to get in and out. 95# Truster

9:11 as RX’d.

Cleans were horrible.
Wallballs broken 10-11/10-5/9

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