Monday, May 22, 2017

1 round for time of:
100-ft. dumbbell overhead walking lunge – 80#/55#
100 double-unders
50 wall-ball shots – 30#/20#
15-ft. rope climb, 10 ascents
50 wall-ball shots
100 double-unders
100-ft. dumbbell overhead walking lunge
Coach’s notes:
This is the 2017 Regional Event 3 workout. Their time cap is 16 minutes, post your time to complete to comments.
WOD Leaderboard
Skinny Master’s scaling.
55# DB, 100 DU on the way up, 50 DU on the way down, 20# WB to 9′
Also had the luxury of a rope that came all the way to the ground.
0.6 hours.
Cut out DU’s because they were down to sets of 5.
No cardio zone:
A. Pause DL 4sets x 2reps 70% using hook grip
All sets at 360# (70%)
B. DL sets of 2 @ 85% until RPE 9
Did 3 sets at 445# (86%). Grip wasn’t working today so used straps and double overhand.
C. Bench – up to heavy set of 3 ~88%
235# (89%)
D. Bench – sets of 3 until RPE 9 @ 85%
225# 5 sets and then 1 set of 4 to get to RPE 9
E. Sled push. Edge of east bay door to front entrance of bodyshop. ‘Sprint’ there and back with 60% BW on top of the sled. 2 efforts, rest 5 minutes between.
Sled + 160# was just awful enough.
Fun times with Ben and Kimmer!
Nice work those of you ‘brave’ enough to take on the regional workout in any format.
26:40, 55db, the rest rx’d.
Hard and hot haha. But, really fun.
Kill it Christina and Josh 🙂