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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Monday, May 10, 2010

A1.  DB Split Squat – 8-12 reps @ 3010 x 4 sets, rest 90 seconds            

A2.  L – Pull Ups – 4-6 reps @ 2110 x 4 sets, rest 90 seconds

B1.  Pistols – 12-15/leg @ 3010 x 3 sets, rest 60 eseconds

B2.  DB Powell Raise – 8-12 reps/arm @ 3010 x 3 sets, rest 60 seconds after both arms

Coach’s notes:  Post load for all sets to comments.

Compare to May 2, 2010

Comments: 8

A1. 15#x12, 20#x10, 20#x12, 25#x10
A2. Purple band assisted 4,4,3,3
B1. Blue band assisted 10, 12(r)9(l), 12
B2. 10#x6, 8(r) 6(l), 8

A1. 40×12,40×10,45×8,45×8 (6 only on left leg *quads STILL sore from thrusters I think!*
A2. 6,4,5,5 as rx’d
B1. 12,10,10,8 as rx’d (or unassisted)
B2. 10×10,15×10,15×10 (8 on left arm) *left arm sucks!

Thanks Brett! great “all girls” class – great job everyone!!

A1. 20lbsx12/25×10/25×12/30×9
A2. 5/4/4/4 as rx’d (Laura had to tell me to keep my legs up higher a couple of times)
B1. 12 for all rounds and blue band assisted
B2. 5lbsx12/10lbsx8/10lbsx8
Great coaching Laura! Hopefully tomorrow I can walk.

Hey Laura, thanks for helping me figure out a work out that I could do. It felt great and still no headache – a very good sign!

A1. 15#x6, 10#*8, same , same
A2. 5,4 ,4,4
B1. black band 9, 9, 2 green then black and green for 7 more
B2. 10#x10 for 3 r ds

CBS at lunch

A1: 10#x12, 15#x12, 20#x9, 20#x10
A2: 6 reps all rounds with purple band (one lewg in band, other at 90ish degrees). Tried unassisted L Pull-up during warm-up, but arms would not budge at all once the legs were up. Funniest feeling!
B1: 15 reps all rounds. First round with blue band, second and third with two purple.
B2: 12 reps all rounds with 10# (shoulders didn’t like this movement)
Thanks Brett!

A1 5#x10 all rds
A2 blue band 4-5 reps
B1 green band
B2 5 lbs x 10
Did 1.5 rds of B – ran out of time

did Isabel with 105#, 9:52min
then did 5 rds of 10 GHD sit ups and 10 box-jumps 20″ with Mack in 6 min and something

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