Monday. March 2, 2009
8 rounds for reps:
30 seconds KB Swings
30 seconds KB SDLHP
1:00 minute rest
Coach’s notes: Guys use 1.5 pood and gals 1 pood for the swings and SDLHP. Post reps for each exercise per round and totals to comments.
Compare to December 19, 2008
Due to city inspection and equipment shipment delays we will need to delay our CFC HQ opening by one week. Classes will be operating out of OPT as usual from March 1, – March 7, 2009. Official opening of the new facility will be on Sunday, March 8. Membership fees will be prorated to reflect this delay. For more information or inquiries please contact .
What’s the weight of 1 pood again? I can never remember…
1 pood = 36lbs
Thanks, Amy. For 8 rounds & for each exercise are as follows: 20/16, 18/18, 20/17, 19/17, 20/18, 19/15, 20/17, 20/18.
Total reps for swings – 156 & SDLHP – 136
Hello from Texas!
I wished I was there for this WOD! Sounds like a fun one! See you in a week!
253 reps using a 50# dumbbell. No KB made this awkward, but I also feel I wasn’t using my legs enough for the SDLHPs.
Did “grace”
as rx’d 3:50
12/15, 10/10, 8/8, 8/7, 8/10, 5/11, 8/9, 5/9 = 64/79 as RX’d. First time not scaling KB swings in a WOD.
55lb db, 245 reps
15/16, 15/12, 14/7, 15/10, 11/8, 13/11, 11/9, 10/10 = 104/83 as Rx’d
Neil as rx’d 213
Judy – still taking it easy with shoulder/arm – KB 21 lbs & SDLHP 25 lbs – 230
Thanks James for a great class!
I forgot my # already 🙁
18? as rx’d
278 as rx’d
192 with 1.5 pood. Down to 20 reps on the last 3 sets just to keep control of the weight.
As rx’d with 1 pood.
KBS, KB SDLHP – 14/13, 14/14, 13/12, 13/12, 12/11, 11/9, 12/10, 11/11
Total reps for KBS = 100, KB SDLHP = 92