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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Monday, March 15, 2010

For Highest Load:

15 OHS

Coach’s notes:   Establish your heaviest 15 RM OHS.  Work up to the set as you choose and rest as needed between sets.

Comments: 22

95lbs x 15… PR

45#…have no idea is this is a PR or not. Just never comfortable with this movement. Thanks Evan for the coaching.

52/65/75×15*last 5 not quite low enough/75×11
Never done 15s before – this is tough! I definitely need work on my OHS load! (I hear you Maria!) Thanks Evan. Nice work 9:30 class!

Great work today everyone…fantastic performances and lots of PR’s!

worked to 65 lbs x15 (PR) ….Thanks Evan!

Did Saturday’s burpees on the minute at home.
15 minutes + 10 reps
(up until and including round 12 all reps done in under 30 sec)
(Feb 20, 2009 did 10 min + 10 reps)

Failed at 90lbs, got 13 reps. Tried again and failed at rep 12…with style!! Thanks Evan, good class.

Worked up to 80lbsX15 (PR)! Great work today everyone! Thanks Evan!

As Rx’d
95/115/135 (F on 13)
Wrists were shot after 135# attempt – Next time start at 135#
or find a way to pour some flexibilty into my wrists

Neil: 75/95(f @ 12)/85/95(f @ 12 again), didn’t feel fatiqued at failures just got a little off balance and dropped the bar, great class Laura always good to see you again. Not sure what Judy and Alyssa did…

95lbs. Got through 7 and then 5 reps at 100lbs.

(FYI – This is actually Erin, the new chick from Vancouver, but ‘Erin’ is already taken so thought it was time to pull out my long time nickname from CF Van…I’ll give you the back story in person) 😉

A. 95#x15. Lots of room for improvement here…but PR since surgery.
B. Squat cleans 5-3-1-1-1
165×5 (PR by 5#), 175×3(PR by 5), 185×1, 197×1(PR by 2), 202 (f). (bwt=161)
C. Burpees on the minute WOD from Sat. Posted there.

Wow! Some fantastic numbers today!!

I honestly wanted to do this as I like OHS, but I’m on the IR until Friday.

115/130/140 then shut er down. Maybe could have had more with a different strategy but the wrists were shot. Great class Michelle!
SarahG – 50/60/70

very eye opening to see what needs major improvement.

Neil – 85×15, 95×12,95×12
Judy – 22×12/28×8/28×7
Thanks Laura for a fun class!

whoops – Judy 22×15 – I need all the counts that I can get

127.5 then failed on rep 10 of 135.

I antagonized Alvaro to the point where he couldn’t fail!

Thanks Michelle for all the coaching.

TT Strength Workout
Front Squat 115/135/165/175/185/195/205

It was a hard day! Cory and Carmen were messing with my kitchen, so I did a big effort and got 130# done. Great energy at the gym. Thanks Michelle for helping me get it done. Great work Cory with your hurt shoulder.

115 felt good and then I tried 135 and failed miserably at rep 9.

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