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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Monday, March 11, 2019

Complete As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP) in 9 minutes of:

10 Power Clean – 95#/65#
5 Bar Muscle-ups
10 Overhead Squats – 95#/65#

REST 5:00

Row 1000m

Coach’s notes:

Post rounds and reps complete for triplet and time for row to comments.

WOD Leaderboard

Comments: 11

3 full rounds + 10 cleans. 85 reps.
1000m Row: 3:39

Great workout. Thanks Nat.

A: 3 rounds + 10 cleans + 5 muscle ups + 4 OHS = 94 reps
B: 3:46 row 1000

4 rounds + 2 cleans
75lbs 95lbs little too high for squats

Overall My body felt sub par but pushed to keep rest minimal. Good workout to get the weekend cobwebs out.

Power cleans were really light but the weight was perfect for my shoulders on overhead squats. Gotta work on pressing up harder with locked elbows. The squat felt great. Heals on floor whole time. Shoulder mobility great.

Never done a bar dip or muscle up for that matter so I got familiar with the feel today jumping off the floor using a bar on the rack before moving higher.

1000m Row 1:52

Row 3:52

55# on the barbell
Think green band for BMU
3 rounds + 10 cleans.

Row: 3:48. Yikes! That was slow.

Thanks Nat

Jeez. And I’m dyslexic too.
Row wa ms 4:38. 🙄

5 rounds plus 3 cleans.

Used 55# as I really struggle with overhead squats. Only got 3 overhead squats into the second round and switched to front squats. My shoulder do not like this.

Muscle ups jumping off the box.

Row 1000m 3:36

3 rounds + 10 cleans + 5 BMU = 90 reps rx’d
BMU mostly sets of 2 & 3
OHS unbroken.
Ski erg 4:15
Thanks Shannon!

So fun!!!
Got three rounds
RXd weight
And I got 4 muscle ups! Otherwise just counted attempts.
4:22 for the row

4 rounds + 10 cleans = 110 reps RX
BMU all unbroken
Rest 2:00
Row: 3:40
This was fun, thanks Shannon!

3 rounds plus 2 cleans at 75# = 77 reps
Shoulder not 100% so didn’t push as hard as I could have.
BMU rx’d except missed 1 in last round, was close so I counted it.
Rested 2 mins
1000m in 3:35.1
Thanks Shannon

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