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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Monday, March 10, 2008


Overhead Squat   5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1

Coach’s notes:  Post load for each set to comments.  If you are struggling to keep the bar directly above your heels in this lift or cannot go as low with weight overhead, stay with higher reps and pause in the bottom of the squat. 

Comments: 7

Ooooh, look at the beautiful lady!

Did workout as Rx’d:
110/132/154 x 5
176/198 x 3
220 x 2
231/242/253 x 1
failed at 264

As Rx’d (bw 158lb)
57/67/77 x 5
87/92/97 x 3
102/107/112 x1
All reps above 75lb were new PRs. Need a place where I can drop the weights to go any higher. Oh, and strenght, balance and flexibility would help a bit too…

+ 100 reps with 45lb bar with a 1 sec pause in the bottom of squat.

as rx’d 30/31.25/32.5 x 5
35/37.5/40 x 3
42.5/45/45 x 3

OHS aren’t the favored ex. Need another refresher on technique…

CrossFit Montréal!
“Cindy” – 5 chinups, 10 pushups, 15 squats As Many Rounds in 20 minutes.
I did assisted chinups and military pushups for the first 7 rounds, then dropped to my knees pushups.
Finished with 12 rounds and 5 chinups.
great CrossFit location in Montreal…old factory redone. Merci Jacques et Valérie!

45/50/55 x 5
60/65 x 3

27 yom 179lbs

95/135/155lbs x 5
165/175/185lbs x 3
195/205(f) x 1

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