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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Monday, June 9, 2008

Overhead Squat –  5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Coach’s notes:  Post loads to comments.


Comments: 11

27 yom 178lbs

SP 100/110/135/140/145/150(f)
OHS (sets of 5) 135/135/135/145/155
225 x 5
275 x 3
305 x 3
315 x 2
340 x 1
350 x 1

one arm power snatch

60 x 3
75 x 3
85 x 3

The rain held off and we had another really strong session with these amazing and CrossFit-driven kids. Practice and hard work is paying off with great results and excellent form!!!

CFC Kids WOD “Alyssa”, named so because of her excellent form on all squats!
3 rounds
run 200m/3 OHS/6 Front Squats/9 Shoulder press

Class wanted more CROSSFIT so they also performed Max Box Jump 1:00.

Sara, 3:29, 29 Box jumps
Dylan, 3:45, 27
Emma, 3;12, 31
Alyssa 3:15, 27
Adam 3:09, 21
Haley 3:12, 33
Kelly, 3:33, 19
Eric D 2:57, 24

Session also included Crossfit Medicine Ball Relay, focus/technique on Front, Back and Overhead Squats and Medicine Ball Bowling.

Spring session ends June 22. Please contact Leighanne at optadmin@optimumtraining.ca for registration for our Summer Session starting Sunday, June 29. Also, watch out (and parents-start training!) for our July CFC Kids/Parents Competition at OPT…more details to come!

Your CrossFit Calgary Kids coaches-Chantal, Gord & Laura

Need practice on these, so started light.
67×5, 77×5, 87×5, 97×5, 102×5, 107×4+1(f), 112×3 (bwt=155)
The 4th rep at 112lb, my arm/shoulder had a little shake in a direction not intended – due to an old shoulder dislocation problem. So I dumped the weight and called it a day.

Flexibility makes this movement tough
67*5 PR

44, 54, 59, 64, 69, 71.5

Was GREAT to be back!

44, 55, 60, 70, 75, 81.5 fail, 81.5, 84, 86.5, 88 fail. Really wanted the 88, tried twice, but just couldn’t push press at the end.

Neil: 44×5, 54×5, 64×5, 74×5, 84×5, 94×4, 98×1
Judy: Dowel…up to 20 lb weights… moved to 22 lb bar and did sets of 5

Judy con’t, 24.5 x5, 24.5×5, 27×5, 27×5, 29.5×3, 29.5×4, 29.5×4 ..flexibility improving, this has been a very difficult journey for me… Thanks Brett for all you help and encouragement!

great work Neil, Judy, Jason and Laura….

great job Judy!!!

Very impressive Stacey-I am so jealous on your incredible gains and cant wait to start back on our ‘Lifting’ sessions with Brett!!!

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