Monday, June 7, 2021
Outside at CFC
A. Complete for time of:
21 Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters (left) – 50#/35#
20 V-ups
15 Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters (left) – 50#/35#
20 V-ups
9 Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters (left) – 50#/35#
20 V-ups
9 Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters (right) – 50#/35#
20 V-ups
15 Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters (right) – 50#/35#
20 V-ups
21 Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters (right) – 50#/35#
B. Tabata Intervals of: (alternate movements each interval for 5 sets)
- Left Front Scale
- Right Front Scale
- Left Back Scale
- Right Back Scale
At Home:
A. Complete for time of:
35 Single Arm Milk Jug Thrusters (left)
20 V-ups
25 Single
Arm Milk Jug Thrusters (left)
20 V-ups15 Single Arm Milk Jug Thrusters (left)
20 V-ups
15 Single Arm Milk Jug Thrusters (right)
20 V-ups
25 Single Arm Milk Jug Thrusters (right)
20 V-ups
35 Single Arm Milk Jug Thrusters (right)
B. Tabata Intervals of: (alternate movements each interval for 8 sets)
- Left Front Scale
- Right Front Scale
- Left Back Scale
- Right Back Scale
Is it cheating if you do more reps than you’re supposed to?
I did 35,30,25,20,15 thrusters then caught on and did 15,25,35 right side and 20,15,10 V-ups so the class could move on.
Time: 14:04
Tabata scales were great for my poor feet.
Thanks Syd! Sorry to hold up the class:)
9:00 @ 40#
Probably could have gone heavier with the DB. V-ups got spicy.
Out scaled Ragnar for part B.
Great job coaching tonight Sydney!