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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Monday, June 20, 2011


5 Rounds for time:

50 Squats

30 Sit-ups

25 Deadlift


Coach’s notes: Use body weight for deadlift and post time to complete to comments.

Comments: 39

First WOD after a week of resting these old bones. I came to realize today that sometimes I am not the brightest bulb when I got to round 3 and noticed that I was doing 30 deadlifts instead of 25.
As rxd(except for first 3 rounds of deads) – 185 lb deadlifts =18:07.
Totally spent but happy to be working out again.

Ouch Old Guy, that is brutal. Did @ 145lbs, so just a little more then body weight. 20:15 as rx’d, kept this paced as I did not want to destroy my back especially since I was doing deadlifts yesterday. Thanks Ali, great job Yaz and Ryan.

27:36 @105lbs – which is less than my body weight but,what I could handle for 125 DL’S!
Thanks Ali, Chelsea and Ryan!
Shaky legs!

15:06 as Rx’d. BW: 175 lbs.
Witnessed the true spirit of Crossfit. We cheered Maria for last 25 Deadlifts as class ended. Then when they were done, Maria started doing Squats, that’s when we realized that was the end of round 4. Maria pounded out that last round w a lot of grit & determination. It was fun to watch. Thanks Ali.

Thank you so much Keith and everyone cheering me on. I knew you thought that was my last 25 DL’s…too pooped to tell you that was only round 4!! Anyway, total time in the end was 37:52 as rx’d (160 BW). Thank you Ali & the 9:30 crew for the huge encouragement at the end.

This was incredibly tough. Only could manage 4 rounds at 65 lb deadlifts. Maria – you were so amazing to watch as we all saw your perseverance in completing what we thought were your last 25 dealfits and then saw you get right to another round of squats without hesitation. Incredible!! I love this stuff! Thanks Ali and all the 9:30 am’ers!

30:46 with anchored sit ups and 95 lb DL…this was a VERY painful WOD. Thanks for the cheering for my final push!! Maria you did amazing!
Thanks Ali

20:09 as rx’d (University gym in the Hood.)
Deadlifts a little harder as they had different weights so I couldn’t do touch and go.
liked this WOD

This one is going to hurt tomorrow!

Wow! Some great times and sounds like grit, spirit and perseverence, but most importantly camaraderie.
14:10 as rx’d, but my body weight a mere 155#.

Judy from home – 37:30
Ahhh very tough WOD. Did one rd at 135 lbs and that was way too heavy. Dropped down to 115 lbs and still struggled with this WOD. Situps no problem but squats and deadlifts I had to pick away at.

Coach we have decided that you have to do this at TLaw’s body weight next time!!! Great job Maria, that is true Crossfit spirit.

It hurts today.

160 lbs as rx’d


DL’s were as fast as they could be (i.e. shorter breaks only lead to fewer reps/set)
Might have been some room to speed up the squats but didn’t want to burn out early.

18:48 as rx’d @ body weight 115#- liked this one
Thanks Chantal!

As Rx ‘d @ 165.00
Time: 23:29
Yuck and Ouch..

22:17 at 95# – 5# lower than BW
Fun but hard! Thanks Chantal

22:24 @ 115#( much lower then BW).
Thanks Chantal!!
Great job 5 pm’ers!! You rocked it Audra!!

Subbed 20 ring dips at muscle up height for squats. Deadlifts at 210.


25:01 as rx’d. 118 for deadlifts. running a 7k hill run in the a.m with 95 lbs of kids and jogger was not a good idea. dl’s painfully slow.
thanks chantal.

I liked this one…a real grinder.
As rx’d @ 205lbs.
Forgot to look at the clock when I was done (too busy dying on the floor).
I was surprised how much the deadlifts sucked the energy… more work rx’d here.
Thanks Chantal!

18:46 as rx’d ( optimistically looking forward to leaner times ahead:)
..promptly sprawled myself on the floor after that one, my apologies to those around me! Thanks so much Mark and Taylor for the encouragement, it helped a ton!!
Joanne, super proud of you doing this one as rx’d, you did amazing!!!

27:20 @ 175# (5# over my bw)

23:07 as rx’d I kept checking with Audra if she wanted to switch bars but she never seemed to want to! Funny that!

First two rounds at ideal BW
Had to drop to 95 to finish. Back started being an issue.
Great job everyone!
Katie don’t worry about the books. I think I have enough to keep me going for the trip. Thanks for the offer.

30.42 @ 180# (BW after 3 weeks of vacation which included over eating and lots of beer but great fun)

24:30 as rx’d 🙂
Wanted to stop during 3rd round, tough!
Katie you were awesome! AND thanks so much for helping me push through that last round!
Fun Class! Thanks Mark and Taylor!

34:45 @ 205 not quite as rx’d

Taylor I am not sure that dropping ab mats on people is a motivational tool! found it more of a distraction but i guess each coach need their own style. At least it wasn’t a bumper plate.

31:49 @ 135 The breeze was a welcome treat tonight!
Thanks Taylor & Mark 🙂

28:28 as Rx’d. BW of 180#.
I think I need to lose some weight. Good work tonight 8pm’ers!
Thanks Taylor and Mark.

Scaled DL to 95# for first two rounds, then to 75# for last 3 rounds. Still testing back, and it started to feel tight quite quickly, especially combined with the squats. Took lots of rest between sets.
Squats as fast as my legs would allow and sit-ups quick and unbroken.

Thanks a lot Taylor!

30:09… I think?
Deadlifts at 85#.. Joanne you did awesome!
Thanks Taylor and Mark.

Was having one of my best WOD’s then typical collapse of my back on deadlift rep 17 of round 3.
Tried to focus so hard on technique and still a tweak. So upsetting. Had to drop down to 155# fror 170# for round 4, then to 135#for round 5.

28:34 – DL scaled to 95#. Wow that was tough!
Thanks Taylor and Mark!

16:41 as rx’d… wowzers Keith nice job!!

Oh yeah – sorry about that Chad. ha whoops…

As rx’d 16:08
DL @ 165#

20:21 as rx’d
DL’s at 135 – all broken; rounds 4,5: 3’s & 5’s just tried to keep breaks short

4 rnd’s
180#’s (way less than BW)

DL@125lbs, tried first round @145lbs, only 15-20 reps. Too heavy for 6am.

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