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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Monday, June 16, 2008


 One round for time:

Run 800m

50 Pull-ups

Run 800m

50 Squats

Run 800m

50 Push-ups 

Coach’s notes:  Post time to complete to comments.

Comments: 12

as Rx’d

As Rx’d

As Rx’d

Still no kipping

I used a green elastic for the pullups and push ups were on knees.

my time was 25.53


I used the medium/smaller elastic for the pullups. My power to weight ratio stinks. Running is still slowing me down significantly.

CF Main site.
50 Sit ups, 50 Double under’s, 50 Sit ups, 50 walking lunges, 50 Sit ups, 50 Burpees, 50 Sit ups
Time – 12:03

4.5 hours after first one
3 rounds for time
21 95lb hang power cleans
30 chin ups
Time – 11:11

As Rx’d
2nd and 3rd runs could have been better.

24:22 – seriously gassed on the last run….

Neil – row instead of running 28:59
Judy – row instead of running, blue band down to green band, situps instead of pushups…actually it appears that I did a completely different workout….29:36 got to fix this body of mine

As Rx’d


…need to improve my nutrition (does this mean I need to quit coffee!!!…well maybe I should not have 7 espresso shots a day….just a thought)

23:56 ish (memory is horrible but I think that’s pretty close)…
*did back extensions instead of pull ups.

32:56 Runs are killing me….but I’m gonna keep working at it!

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