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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Monday, July 4, 2011

A. Hang Clean – 2 reps x 6 sets, 2:00 rest
B. Front Squat and Jerk – 1.1 x 6 sets, 2:00 rest
Coach’s notes: Post loads to comments.
Compare to June 11, 2011
Important Reminder – A new pull up seminar with Brett Marshall is happening on July 10.  Click here for more details and to register.  Spots are limited.

Comments: 25

Next time you’re heading up there take a dust rag.

I only follow the Coach’s notes.

a. worked up to 62
b. worked up to 69.5
Derek! Amazing, Magical Box Jump today!
Thanks, Aly.

A: 115/120/120/125/125X1/125
B: 105/115/125/130/135/140

Had another 5-10 lbs in me for B but ran out of time.

A. 65/75/80/85/90/95(f)
B. 65/75/80/85/95/100
Thanks, Ali

A:185 – hang power cleans
B:185 – push jerks

thanks yaz! was scary when i landed it haha

A: worked up to 95 and got a single at 100 then failed the second
B: worked up to 95 and failed at 100
Thanks Ali

A. 75/85/95/97.5/100/102.5(PR)
B. 70/75/85/90/95/100 (PR for split jerk)
thanks ali

A. 72#
B. 72#
could have done more but scared for my shoulders sake
fun class
thanks ali

A: 75/95/105/115X1/115×2/125×1/125×1- like many other lifts, I need more practice here too- feeling weak lately.
B: 95/105/115/125 PR(I think)/130 PR for sure! I end up push pressing a bit on this lift- more practice here too.
Thanks for keeping the weight a secret Chelsea- clever trick!!
Fun lifting with such strong ladies…Anita, Alison, Audra and Chelsea!! Thanks for the inspiration!! Thanks coaches Chantal and Mark for the fun class!! Michelle, your pep talks are great!

A) 135 / 155 / 165 / 175/ 185#
Did 1.5 @ 195# but then tweaked my back at bottom of full-depth squat so had to let go of the weight.

B) 135 / 155 / 165 / 175 / 185 / 195#
Used small box & 1 plate as lowering benchmark. With tweaked back I choose not to go past minimum hip crease.

A. 95/105/115/125/130/135/140 X1 – grip got hard on 2nd one
B. 105/115/125/130/135/140 front squat ok (f) jerk/140 front squat ok (f) jerk- hips not firing fast on dip

Thanks Chantal!

***no coffee or redbull today 🙁

A. 125/130/135/140/145/150 (PR) this felt good today
B. 95/115/125/130/135/140
Great job Audra and Katie, fun working with you guys. Alvaro nice job on that last lift, looked easy! Thanks Chantal and Mark.

A. 155/165/175/185/195×1/195×1
B. 135/155/165/175/180(f)/180(f)/180(f)

A. 115,135,155,185,205,215
B. 135,155,185,205,225,245

A. got to 145 x 1 failled on the 2nd lift
B. got to 165 failled 170
A. 43/53/63(f)/63(f)/drop down to 34 and practiced then up to 43
B. practiced at 73 lbs trying not to lower the bar when jerking overhead.
Thanks Michelle for all your help with these lifts!

A. Worked up to 62# – easy, then went to 67#, lost form and focus and kept failing. Really gotta get this mental block figured out!
B. Lost confidence after “A” so stayed light here…..
Thanks for your insight and effort Michelle!
P.S. Sorry about the face Danielle!

A. 135/145/155/165/175×1/175×1
B. 135/145/155/165/175/185
Thanks Evan

A: 52,72,77,82,87,89.5×1
B: 85,95,100,105,107.5,110 (failed squat)

Frustrated with how weak my squats are. What else is new??

Thanks a lot Evan! Great to see such a big class and so many new faces at 8PM.

Chad, hope you are ok!

A. 95/ 105/ 115/ 125/ 135/ 140
A. 95/ 115/ 125/ 130/ 135/ 140
Thanks Evan!

A: 135×2,145×2,155×2,165×2,175×2,185×2,195×2
B: 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, failed at 205

A) Worked up to 67# (f)
B) Worked up to 67- did two each instead of one by mistake so stopped there…
Thanks Michelle and Mark!

A. 170
B. 190#
ran 5K in 26:12

Nolan, your numbers are impressive because you just did them without any effort! You had at least 50 more pounds in you!!!

A. 135/155/175/185/190×1
B. Ran out of time here, got to 155#

A. 65/75/80/85/90(f)/90(f)
B. 75/85/95(f)/85/95/100/105(f)
Some really strong girls in this class – Chelsea, Audra, Katie and Alison – way to go!!
Thanks Chantel and Mark!!

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