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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Monday, July 29, 2019

A.  3 times through with a continuously running clock, do one pull-up in the first minute, two in the second, three in the third, and so on as long as you are able. Begin with strict chest to bar.  Once you fail, start over with Strict chin over bar.  Once you fail, start over with kipping chest to bar.

B.  Spend time working on your core with any time remaining. Examples include, planks, L-holds, superman’s and hollow rocks, candle sticks, strict toes to bar/knees to elbows, GHD sit-ups, etc.

Coach’s notes:

Post rounds and reps complete for A to comments. Note, today’s WOD is compliments of www.crossfit.com from Thursday, July 25, 2019. Post notes for core work in B to comments.

WOD Leaderboard

Comments: 11

SC2B missed in minute 9 (8 reps, 44 total)
SPU missed in minute 10 (8 reps, 53 total)
C2B missed in minute 12 (6 reps, 72 total)
169 reps in 31 minutes.
Thanks Derek!

SC2B. Failed on round 8
SPU. Failed on round 10
kC2B. Failed round 8

All rx’d
Into minute 30
1. SC2B – 9 Rounds + 5 = 50 reps
2. SPU – 8 rounds + 5 = 41 reps
3. KC2B – 10 rounds + 6 = 61 reps
Total = 152
Thanks T!

1. 10 + 6 = 61
2. 14 + 7 = 113, *accidentally did 2 rounds of 9, instead of the round of 8.
3. 16 + 15 = 151
TOTAL = 325. I think my last round was minute 44 or 45.

So I kinda messed this one up – I didn’t clue in for some reason that the last part was supposed to be kipping C2B instead of just kipping pull-ups. So I did butterflies – Brett said this was a totally acceptable kip version, which is why I got so deep into that last section, but I was only doing pull-ups not C2B. The strict C2B and Strict pull-ups were Rxd though.

Strict C2B: 9 rounds plus 5
Strict pull-ups: 10 rounds plus 7
Kipping (butterfly) pull-ups: 19 rounds plus 13.

315 total reps. 41 minutes.

Fun WOD. Still a good stimulus but wish I had clued in and done it right haha.

Thanks Tania! AWESOME coaching!!

I want to do 12 strict pull ups one day.
This workout is great for moving forward.

For me the count wasn’t as important as staying super strict at every scaled version of a pull up. Focusing on getting my elbows behind me with a solid squeeze with my shoulders back. Hoping this will translate to 5 chin to bar, 1 or 2 chest to bar in months ahead. Embracing the unknown, knowing I’ll be rewarded with some kind of progress.

I finished at 17 min doing ring rows after banded chest to bar, after barely completing 3 chin to bar at 3 min. Then did 10 GHGs x 3 and 45sec – 1 min planks (4 rounds). I feel weak but I will persevere. I’m good at that:)

Sooooo…a test of what gives out first: pull ups or my hands……
Strict C2B with 2 skinny and 1 medium band. 7 rounds +7
Ring rows: 9 rounds+6
Kipping chin over bar: 7 rounds+7
121 total
Could have pushed into the next round but I would have torn, so that answers that question.

Thanks Brett.

Scaled Arms Division (SAD)
Strict Pull-ups: 7 + 3
Banded strict(ish) C2B: 7 + 3.25
Kipping C2B: 7 then switched to ring rows for 8,9,8.29
Total: Too many pull-ups. 🦖 arms!

Thanks Brett.

1. Banded Chest to bar 11rounds +9=75
2. Banded Chin over bar 9rounds +8=53
3. Kipping chin over bar 10rounds+9=64
192 total……..may regret this tomorrow!

Thanks Brett

8+2 c2b
8+2 chinup
12+10 kip c2b

Strict C2b
11 reps into 13
Total = 89

Strict pull-ups
10 reps into 12
Total = 76

Kipping c2b
7 into 13
Total = 85

Total reps = 250

Thanks Tania!

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