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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Monday, July 13, 2009

For time:

Run 200 m

Run 400 m

Run 800 m

Run 400 m

Run 200 m

Coach’s notes:  You have the full hour to complete this WOD.  Rest as you see fit between sets.  Post time for each run and total to comments.

Compare to June 10, 2009


Comments: 14

CONGRATS to all the CFC competitors on their outstanding performances this weekend. Absolutely inspiring!

200m- :40
200m- :39


Congrats to all CFC competitors!!! you guys are amazing and an inspiration!!!!!!

Monday 9:30 – Chantal’s team special!!! tons of fun!!! thanks Chantal and thanks to everyone else who was there!! can’t remember exact workout – but it was great!

Hi there, Looking at yesterday’s WOD what are alternating pistols?

Alternating pistols are one legged squats, so squat on right leg, then left, etc… if you check the exercises and demos on the main site you can find the video for it and variations of how to scale it.

Games Individual final event done as Rxd= 25:54

Games individual final event
Neil – 95lb BB cleans, 95lb thrusters, jumping muscle-ups, all else as rx’d – 37:30
Judy – 56lb BB cleans, 45lb thrusters, 15 jumping muscle-ups, 20lb DB PP, blue band assisted PP, K2E (kind of), 15lb walking lunges – 35:30

Neil – correction on time – around 40 mins

75# cleans and thrusters, jumping muscle ups, blue band for 5 then green for the rest of the pull ups.
Apx. 38:59

As above: BB cleans 95lbs, 75lb thrusters, jumping muscle-ups, everything else was as rx’d. Thanks Brett for not allowing me to slack off to band assisted pull ups. Although I was sloth like slow on those, I am so glad I did them all. That was a very tough workout.
Congratulations to all CFC competitors on such great work in Aromas. You motivate and inspire all of us.

95Ibs for Cleans and Thrusters
Jumping Muscle ups
Double Unders (killed me again)
Rest as RX.


Games individual final event
scaled: 52# BB squat cleans, 15 jumping muscle ups, 20# DB push press, 42# thrusters, blue band assisted pull-ups, 15# for OH walking lunges. Rest as rx’d.
Time: 30:49
Couldn’t imagine doing this as rx’d after 7 grueling events and in the burning hot sun!!!

Sheesh, does nobody else run in this place? 🙂

200 – 39.8
400 – 1:25.0
800 – 3:05.0
400 – 1:25.8
200 – 38.7

I think that’s 7:14.3 total. Total elapsed time about 30 min + WU/CD.

I was trying to gain some crossfit converts amongst my research group. I put them through
21/15/9, Box jump 20″, 45# thrusters, burpees, which i thought was a nice introduction to the meaning of intensity. All three posted times between 10:22 and 10:45, I did it as well, got 5:45 and told them to do more crossfit! 🙂

Angie tomorrow!

oops! also scaled OH lunges to 10#

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