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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Monday, January 5, 2009

1 round for time:

100 KB swings

100 Sit-Ups


100 Wallballs

Coach’s notes:  For the KB swings, guys use 1.5 pood, gals use 1 pood.  For the sumo deadlift highpull (SDLHP), guys use 65lbs, gals use 45lbs.  For the wallballs, guys use 20lbs, gals use 12lbs.  Post time to complete to comments.

Compare to December 7, 2008


Comments: 14

subbed 12lb WB


I think I did pretty good today……..if I were Andy Rooney

as rx’d – 29:57

16:47 w/ 35lb DB and 12lb ball

(may have done a few extra wall balls)
50# DB Swings
22# Wall Balls

Happy New Year


A lot slower this time, but used 55# for SDHP and found a 10ft wall for the wall balls.

No WB so did thrusters with 2-10lb weights. Used 20lbs for KB. Otherwise as rx’d.

22:02 as rx’d
Faster than last time but I felt low on energy. Tinkering with what I’m eating and how much, I think it played a part in me draggin’ my butt.
Lesson learned….I need more food :o)

Subbed 1.25 KB, 60lbs for SDLHP, and 12lbs for wallball

20:25 (last time 19:25)

This time I broke each exercise into many sets

KBS – 30, 15, 15, 15, 15, 10
SU – same
SDHP – 2 sets of 10 the rest sets of 5
WB – 20 sets of 5

Though I was slower than last time I was no where near as exhausted…I was tired but still had energy…My error was not paying attention to the amount of rest I was taking b/w sets…obviously way too much rest b/w sets…I like doing this WOD in many sets…it is mentally easier to tackle

Neil as rx’d 36:00
Judy- Subbed 1000m row for SDLHP, 8 lbs wallball, 12 kg KB – 28:05

39:00 as rx’d

last time was 19:50 not 19:25

KB Swings with 45lb plate
SU – as rx’d
SDLHP – as rx’d
17.5lb thrustes

Last month…27:42

26:05, 100 each, but mixed some of the exercizes

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