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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Monday, January 25, 2010


Big Dawg Competition WOD # 2


2000m Row and AMRAP Double Unders in 10 minutes 


Coach’s notes:  Post time for row and number of double unders to comments.

Comments: 31

Did the Big Dawg comp at home on Sat “for fun” & experience
WOD #2: Row 7:18 (PR by 1 sec), 51 DU’s
Chose to go all out for the row and let the DU’s suffer.

note that its a 10 minute running clock for the row AND DU’s… so if you get off the rower at 8 minutes you have 2 minutes for DU’s

My Rowing needs a lot of work! Completed 2000m in 10:01:5. No time for double unders! Beat my last 2000m row by 37 seconds…so improvement!

8:51 (PR by 12 seconds) + 24 DUs.

40 DUs…I can’t remember my row time because my eyes were too blurry to see after getting off the rower. Fun times. Great class Ali!

Hi Chantal – just wondering on our strength homework wod – when it says press – is that push press? shoulder press? not sure but would you mind clarifying for me?? thank you!!! (sorry if this is dumb question or one I should know!)
much appreciated!

Krista, it isn’t a dumb question, but press always means shoulder press.

Still fighting a cold and lunge legs from Friday.
Row: 8:19 (PR=7:53)
DU: 18
Wasn’t winded coming off rower but legs were burnt out.

Did this WOD on the weekend. Row was 6:56.7 and 143 double unders


Thanks for posting!
Now I have something to shoot for.

Row: 8:02:02 PR!! (Previous PR 8:35)
15 DUs (Didn’t think I’d be able to do any when I first got off the rower).
Thanks for not telling me that I was about PR, Chantal – good coaching!

Row 9:19.9 which is a PR for me, best previous was 9:25 – the push is on now to get under 8 mins.

21 DU’s

Thanks Chantal for the coaching on the dips as well.

Congratulations Lynette! That’s a fantastic time and what a jump from your previous PR.

8:19 and 11 DUs (slowed myself down in the beginning – for next time,) I think I should go just a bit faster in the beginning
Nice work in the 6pm class, Anita your skipping is unreal and Amanda you did fantastic – thanks for the pep talk pre row! Way to go Lynette! Thanks Brett.

Row: 8:47 (need to work on this)
DU: 38
Katie awesome work on the row time. Wasn’t that a PR for you?
Lynette your row time is amazing!!

also did this one on the weekend… 7:50 row and 35+ DU’s… i say 35+ because i realized at 20 something i had stopped counting a while back. oops.

Judy 8:51.2 DU 10
Neil 8:10??- lost track of time after getting off – 16 DU
Thanks for the great coaching Brett

7:03.5 for the row. I was dehydrated. I had NO water at all today. I honestly felt I could’ve broke 7:00. Still a PR by 19 seconds.

42 DU’s. I had nothing left and I’m not that strong at them on the best of days.

Thank you Steve and Chantal for the huge push!!!

9:02 and 38 DU’s

7:21.6 for the row, DU 27. I cant figure out the DU. I can only get one at a time.

9:18 row (PR by 27 sec)
12 DU’s (had very little time left, and even less co-ordination post row)
Thanks Brett!

oops, PR by 31 sec. 🙂

7:50.5 row (PR) 70 DU’s. Thanks Brett. Great job Lynette and Katrin, both had huge improvements on your row, that is amazing. Nice time Ryan!!!

Thanks Corey! Nice work today everyone!!! now I want to do this one!! Maria – awesome DU’s … Lynette, Katie, great row times – Adelle – great work, you too Anita – again… everyone did great!

Chelsea – holy – you amaze me!

7:48 row
62 double-unders

70 DUs Chelsea? After a sub-8 minute row. That’s really amazing! Way to go!

Row 9:09 previous PR was 9:23……managed to get 27 DU’s in.

7:56 row & 62 DU

Did this yesterday. Good to be back, crappy result.

21 DU.

Row 7:38. 35 DU’s

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